Hi everyone - I am a 37yr old mom of two who has had CD f0r 12 years now - apart from one bad spell when I was first diagnosed I have been pretty lucky with this disease. Ive been through the meds and settled on Azathioprine and diet control and apart from a few blips was doing ok. However, it seems my luck is running thin and this is why i'm after some like minded people to share with. Having had an acute flare for the last 12 weeks, in quite some pain I was finally admitted to hospital and spent a lovely five days in their company. I had a CT scan which confirmed narrowing of areas in both my small and large bowel and am now on the no food, modulan diet for the next six weeks to see if recovery of my bowel will be enough to allow me to eat again!!!! A lot to take in and as my mind is completely away with the fairies due to the lack of nutrients I'm feeling kind of floaty!!!! Got to wait for an appt for MRI scan, a follow up dietician appt and Gastro appt to come thru and try to work out how to afford to be ill!!! Am currently reducing steroids, still on Aza, Paracetomal, and Lansoprazole. They are talking about Remicade(?) so got to look that up. Lets wait and see. xxxx