Hi all, we'll was diagnosed with Crohn's disease in 2004 after 2 years of hell! Started on Pentasa and Mebeverine was on and off steroids all the time, last bad flare up was in 2008 tried IV steroids starting @60mg but didn't make any difference until 3 weeks later, was given IV Infliximab but took severe allergic reaction (very scary) was told if the steroids didn't start working surgery was my only option, being 26 and newly married this thought terrified me. Was prescribed Azathioprine and haven't looked back. Having a wee flare up the moment nothing too bad, started 8 week course of steroids today (last time I needed them was 08) to nip it in the bud. Hate the jittery,whizzy feeling they give me, feel like my heart is racing and need to run a marathon to get rid of the energy!