Higher Vitamin D Intake Needed To Reduce Cancer Risk

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I found this very interessting. To take 4000-8000 iu a day sounds high, but obviously its not. I take 1600 iu a day and that is considered very high here, but my D vitamin level was at 25, so not high, but according to these finding 1600 iu is acctually low.
I just wondere, for how long is it safe to take such a high dose as 4000-8000 iu? I know when D vitamins biuld up in the body its not safe at all and can be a health risk. My grandfather had too high D vitamin and ended up having surgery.
I take 10,000 IU D3 daily and get sun tan without lotion for 15 min daily. My doctor told me it's safe as long as I monitor my levels and stay within range.
Monitoring is key, especially in Crohn's. In some granulomatous diseases, there is more active 1,25 vit D formed so it's important to monitor it. I've read healthy people can take up to 10,000 units without problems but I suspect that there would be some that would get kidney stones or other problems depending on calcium intake, sun exposure and individual characteristics. My son takes 4000 IU and 800IU in a multivit and his levels were around 60 so I wouldn't want him to take more than that.
my grandfather got problems with his thyroid gland and did surgery cause of too much vit D, as said earlier. So ye, I guess always taking vit D with a doctor by ones side is a good idea.
I am assuming that he was in the toxic range beyond the normal level? Anywhere from 40-60 is recommended so I think that should be ok.
Krika, I'm wondering if you meant the parathyroid gland instead of thyroid gland. Parathyroid glands sit in the neck next to the thyroid and produce a hormone that regulates Calcium levels. If they are hyperactive, it can lead to high blood calcium and kidney stones.

kidney stones are due to increased calcium in the urine (hypercalciuria) which can occur in some people who take vit d and calcium depending on the situation and dose. http://www.nutraingredients.com/Research/Calcium-and-vitamin-D-supplements-linked-to-kidney-stones
He took D vit every morning, which led to a neck surgery. He also had kidney stones, which he had to go in to atleast 2 surgeries for. The D vit was the problem and why he had neck surgery, dont really know the medical therm. Just know it was the neck and thaught it was the thyroid... Anyways, it was confirmed by the doctors that his D vit levels were too high and that he must never take D vits again. I cant say why he had kidney stones, if it was related or not.