I don't have the report in front of me but my son's GI said his inflammation and disease were severe. That would be to say the active disease at that time. The biopsy only confirmed CD.
Also, the GI said and studies back up the fact that children usually have disease that follows a more aggressive progression. Hence, the reason a lot of kiddos are started on remicade or another biologic soon after dx, since studies have shown that remicade can affect this disease progression if given early in disease course and allow less chance for surgery or progression to a fistulizing state.
Since, people with CD can move through phases of mild, moderate and severe as disease progresses or with induction of or failure of meds it is hard to pin point the track anyone's CD will take. You can be diagnosed mild and then have a severe flare or progress to a stricturing form or start of severe and have meds control your flares. Also, you must allow for the cyclical nature of the disease.
I'm going to tag Dusty and my little penguin as they can give you more detailed information without all the rambling my post probably does.