How Drug Company Money Is Undermining Science

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Feb 13, 2006
Naples, Florida
How Drug Company Money Is Undermining Science

The pharmaceutical industry funnels money to prominent scientists who are doing research that affects its products--and nobody can stop it

By Charles Seife

When Robert Lindsay chose to become a medical researcher in the early 1970s, he did not do it for the money. His field—the effect of hormones on bone—was a backwater. It was also a perfect opportunity for a young researcher to make his mark and, he hoped, help millions of people who suffered from the bone disease osteoporosis. As the body ages, sometimes bones lose the ability to rebuild themselves fast enough to keep pace with the normal process of deterioration, and the skeleton weakens. Neither Lindsay nor anyone else understood much about why this happened, but there was reason to think that hormones might play a role. Some women develop osteoporosis shortly after menopause, when their hormone levels drop sharply, perhaps upsetting that balance between bone creation and destruction. If so, Lindsay reasoned, replacing the hormones with a pill might halt or even reverse the progress of the disease. From a tiny, underfunded clinic in Glasgow, Scotland, he set up one of the first clinical trials of estrogen replacement therapy for bone loss in postmenopausal women. Lindsay's star was rising.


The scandal is not what Lindsay did so much as that his case is typical. In the past few years the pharmaceutical industry has come up with many ways to funnel large sums of money—enough sometimes to put a child through college—into the pockets of independent medical researchers who are doing work that bears, directly or indirectly, on the drugs these firms are making and marketing. The problem is not just with the drug companies and the researchers but with the whole system—the granting institutions, the research labs, the journals, the professional societies, and so forth. No one is providing the checks and balances necessary to avoid conflicts. Instead organizations seem to shift responsibility from one to the other, leaving gaps in enforcement that researchers and drug companies navigate with ease, and then shroud their deliberations in secrecy.


Peer-reviewed journals are littered with studies showing how drug industry money is subtly undermining scientific objectivity. A 2009 study in Cancer showed that participants somehow survived longer when a study's authors had conflicts of interest than when the authors were clean. A 1998 study in the New England Journal of Medicine found a “strong association” between researchers' conclusions about the safety of calcium channel blockers, a class of drugs used to reduce blood pressure, and their financial relationships with the firms producing the drugs.

Full Article

The article you cited does a very good job of describing the weakness inherent in our current system. Unfortunately, we are forced to trust the corporate machine to conduct medical research and develop new therapies accordingly -- the problem is that they are motivated by profit and little else. In essence their goal has become to protect their infinite supply of money so that they can continue to make more, which often leads to a conflict of interest when it comes to protecting the consumer.

Fantastic article, thanks for sharing.
Many GI have no ethics, if they keep it up I'm going to make a list of shame and put every GI on there who it taking money from Abbott and Janssens while in practice.

The researchers aren't even the worst, the doctors that are taking money are way worse.

What's another shame is that those GI and researching taking grants and bonuses and are speakers for the company and take trips and vactions and what not, shame the practice of people who are honest. They make people lose trust in doctors and research, they should lose their license and be punished by the law because they hurt people instead of helping them.

A doctor who takes money from a medical company is not a doctor, they're a billboard and they should be kicked to the curb, they disgust me.
When I went to hear Drs. Rubin, Cohen and Hanauer of University of Chicago IBD Clinic present to IBD patients about Crohns/UC, treatments and current research, the discussion was very interesting and I learned a lot....but I definitely got a sense that they were more enthusiastic when speaking about biologic treatments and very wary when discussing alternatives and research that did not involve medications....then it all made sense in the end...

As they gave their thanks to the audience, they made sure to announce a very special thank you to Abbott Laboratories...
You guys have no idea how many arguments I've gotten into with oblivious people who don't believe me when I say stuff like this.
Yes the way scientific and medical research is done now is disgusting. The pharmaceuticals have infiltrated the medical schools and start recruiting doctors right at the prime of their education, when they are most vulnerable. Imagine a college student struggling financially and in massive debt with only a minimal paid residency to look forward to and a pharmaceutical rep offers you incentives to become loyal to them. Paid vacations, tickets to major sporting events etc etc.

It's like if corporations were to start buying out up and coming politicians to represent ,not the people's best interest, but the corporation's. Oh wait that does happen :D

Researchers and science minded individuals always blame religion for hindering science advances for hundreds of years. I believe that it is rather this kind of greed that hinders science because only things that are patentable, only things that make money, things that supress SYMPTOMS only are what is getting the funding. Alternatives are not, which excludes a huge body of knowledge that could help advance scientific theory, intellect and, progress.

What we needed is public funded research. What we need is Research finance reform!

Western religion at least advocates moral and care, money advocates abuse.

There is a team I talk to who works on probiotics for crohn. When I see how much they go through to get funding how much they dedicate their life to making sure everything is safe and begging governments and institutions for adequate funding, and then I see some people just taking bribes while people are suffering and getting surgeries and some even dying....don't get me started on how I think of you. If the law doesn't judge you for what you do, God will one day.
The collusion between the pharmaceutical and medical community is quite staggering. It used to be that a lot of medical research was conducted through biomedical research at universities. But the gradual clawing back at funding for public institutions has allowed for pharmaceutical companies to have greater control of research, development and distribution of drugs, whilst also being able to recruit the 'best and the brightest'. And the incentives they offer in recruiting researchers cannot be matched by public or private universities/medical research centers.

My former GI (and the other three GIs in his office) are an incorporated company. They then contract with pharmaceutical companies to do local Phase II or III studies. They hire nurses who do most of the work, and sign off on 'official' things after a three minute chat with me. He was often away on trips (research update meetings in Barcelona, LA, etc.) and is quite the champion of pharmaceutical companies.

Ok, I am aware that some will call me crazy, but my distrust of them all leads me to be somewhat of a conspiricy theorist even. I'm not entirely certain that even if a cure for cancer were found, it would be put out there. Cancer is a multi billion dollar industry in treating, etc.
Ok, I am aware that some will call me crazy, but my distrust of them all leads me to be somewhat of a conspiricy theorist even. I'm not entirely certain that even if a cure for cancer were found, it would be put out there. Cancer is a multi billion dollar industry in treating, etc.

Exactly! Call me crazy too but I too think drug companies just look out for themselves. After all, they make money off people that are sick. Why would they want to advocate for a cure when it would take money from them? They wouldn't.

And also, was it Michael Jordan who had aids and now magically doesn't? Its amazing what money can get you. I've always wondered too how somebody like the predident, queen, etc came down with a disease how it would get treated
Magic Johnson I think, K...if memory serves me. Never came down with any symptoms that I heard of, and that was years ago. Whew! Glad someone knew what I was saying, many people argue with me on these things too..
Ok, I am aware that some will call me crazy, but my distrust of them all leads me to be somewhat of a conspiricy theorist even. I'm not entirely certain that even if a cure for cancer were found, it would be put out there. Cancer is a multi billion dollar industry in treating, etc.
I think it's easy to think that way and I wouldn't call you crazy for holding such views.

I can see both sides of it. The thing is, I don't believe the cure for cancer or Crohn's is going to come from a drug company but instead from a university type setting and I can't see that being hidden away as they want their Nobel Prize money and to be mentioned in EVERY new history book. If I was in charge of a pharmaceutical company, I don't know that I'd even fund research to try and cure a disease. What I'd be doing it funding research into treatments based upon research that was done by the universities out there.

CEO David: "TNF has been implicated to play a large part in the inflammatory process of Crohn's disease? Ok, here's $5,000,000 to figure out a way to effectively block TNF".

Some person at the table: "Why don't we try and cure Crohn's instead?"

CEO David: "Because we don't know the cause and there could be a million possible causes and I'm the person that will have to face the shareholders when they find out I spent $100,000,000 to try and find the cure for Crohn's and have nothing. We'll wait for the universities."

Now, if the CAUSE of a disease was found, I'd be more than happy to fund the development of a treatment that targeted whatever that cause was.

There's a lot of really great people at these companies. There's also no doubt people we'd all love to punch in the face. With a brick. As such, some great things come out of the companies and some bad things. I think it's fair to call them out on the bad things (thus this thread) but we also need to be appreciative of the good as well. Fair is fair. Many that had Crohn's even 15 years ago would have probably killed for a Humira or Remicade at times. Yes, the side effects can suck, but usually not as much as improperly managed Crohn's Disease.
Ok, I am aware that some will call me crazy, but my distrust of them all leads me to be somewhat of a conspiricy theorist even. I'm not entirely certain that even if a cure for cancer were found, it would be put out there. Cancer is a multi billion dollar industry in treating, etc.

thomas j borody's report on the use of fecal microbiota transplant to seemingly reverse ulcerative colits was published in 2003, almost 10 years ago.

only this year has anyone taken any effort to look further into it, at least to my awareness, in the U.S.

and one for use in crohn's

this is no conclusive proof of a conspiracy, but we can see there has been little interest in something that shows the potential to provide 13 year remissions or longer/life?, eliminate all evidence of disease without any drugs or surgical procedures.

that may only represent the interests of patient alone, and not many other people. it seems safe, and its cheap, we are talking about feces, something that has no monetary value, its pretty much free, and no one can own it.
What we needed is public funded research. What we need is Research finance reform!

You guys have that to an extent, don't you? Without NASA, the whole world would be without dialysis.

Oh Republicans... why do you bite the hand that feeds?
Here is a European Journal about IBD, ECCO, made up by a bunch of doctors. So you guys think this is acceptable. It's not, you know this right. You realise you are hurting people with IBD with this right. How are you unbiased if you're taking money from big pharma, how are you respecting ethics?

This is a journal? It's a big pharma billboard, no one takes you serious, no one and you're hurting every one of us by giving in to corporate interests.

There are laws that will be in effect in 2013 in the US that forbid this, these laws are being made in the EU too, when push comes to shove, some of you are going to get burned for what you're doing.

Either you work for big pharma an take bribes, which makes you a criminal as many doctors lost their license in the glaxo smith kline debable a few months ago, or you're a doctor who respects ethics, you can not be both.

How many people that originally heard about Dr. Wakefield from Great Britian losing his license and the multi-year smear campaign are aware of his recent exoneration? He concluded that the combined MMR vaccine contributed to bowel disease and Autism.

There have been hundreds of articles calling him a fraud, but nary a headline about him being cleared of all charges.

I wonder who was behind the push to discredit him?

In regards to the whole cancer scam, Stanislaw Burzynski has been dragged into court multiple times by the FDA for curing the most unresponsive cancers in a non-toxic manner. People should realize by now that at nearly every level of academia they are only taught what companies, and other vested political interests, sponsor and grant funds for. Whether it be health, energy, education, economics etc..., professors are steered into confined areas of re-search. Self administered healing modalities, like self produced energy technologies, will likely never be willingly allowed for the general populace.

Perpetual political control and perpetual corporate profit always work hand in hand as top priorities for "progessing" human civilization. illustrates what happens to legitimate pioneers who self determine methods to self produce actual cures (if only for brain cancers, who knows?), as opposed to treatments. Awareness of Burzynski's plight, surviving 5 federal grand juries, seems to shake even the most somnambulant. Especially considering the lengths the FDA went to water down his protocol in the limited trials they occasionally relent to allow.

Again, I would refer people to the "Under Our Skin" documentary to show the revolving doors of medical corporations/academia/regulatory bodies. Or even "Inside Job" if only to point out the economic brainwashing in higher education institutions. The FDA rejections of aspartame and the successive influence of Rumsfeld for final approval is also pretty telling.
I attended an IBD conference in San Diego this year and every doctor/clinician presenting was paid by drug companies except one; the one doing research on microbiome studies (to find out which flora one is lacking or deficient in and how to deliver the right combination of flora where it is needed in digestive tract) that was the most amazing presentation! Of course there is no big pharma behind that and so it may take 10 plus years to come to market! Every other doctor had Janssen, UCB, Humira, Remicade behind them and no mention of dietary concerns, probiotics, vitamin D, celiac screening etc.
It felt like one big drug company presentation and no mention of current or upcoming clinical trials/studies like low dose naltrexone, azithromycin/metronidazole, MAP bacteria. No speculation as to why rates of Crohn's are skyrocketing. Very disappointing. Have learned more from the internet and forums like this then at an IBD conference with gastroenterologists!
I attended an IBD conference in San Diego this year and every doctor/clinician presenting was paid by drug companies except one; the one doing research on microbiome studies (to find out which flora one is lacking or deficient in and how to deliver the right combination of flora where it is needed in digestive tract) that was the most amazing presentation! Of course there is no big pharma behind that and so it may take 10 plus years to come to market! Every other doctor had Janssen, UCB, Humira, Remicade behind them and no mention of dietary concerns, probiotics, vitamin D, celiac screening etc.
It felt like one big drug company presentation and no mention of current or upcoming clinical trials/studies like low dose naltrexone, azithromycin/metronidazole, MAP bacteria. No speculation as to why rates of Crohn's are skyrocketing. Very disappointing. Have learned more from the internet and forums like this then at an IBD conference with gastroenterologists!

even the money that the government invested in this area of research is laughable when compared at how much we spend on "defending" our country. with billions a month for defense, it was reported the microbiome project costed 170 million. but apparently, it was enough to get the job done, so im not going to complain tooo much, ha. at elats they do have money going in that direction, as well as many others, but i guess again, im only concerned about my own interests, they also have to fund things like cancer and other types of stuff. but when compared to what we spend on national defense, i suppose that number looks pretty small, and for outsiders of science who may not realize the impact this new information may have on our understanding of health for everyone in the world, i suppose its pretty hard to get that sort of idea across.
Yes, the microbiome research will help in many diseases not just Crohn's. The delivery of the proper bacteria in right amounts to the right area can prevent or possibly even cure many diseases. Big Pharma definitely does not want this to happen.