How long for calprotection level to drop after stomach bug?

Crohn's Disease Forum

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Mar 31, 2015
I don't have a diagnosis of Crohn's disease however I got sick while travelling in Indonesia over a month ago. At the start it seemed like usual traveller's type stuff, but I have developed ongoing Crohn's like symptoms. My calprotection level at this point (4 weeks after the initial illness) is 1447. Apparently that level does elevate due to "stomach bugs" and takes some time to come down. Does anyone have any experience of how long the level may take to drop? My doctor wants to rule out Crohn's by retesting 8 weeks after the stomach bug. It is reasonable I could get the level down from 1447 to <50 in another 4 weeks?

I think you can trust his expertise on this one. If your result still come elevated with ongoing clinical symptoms, your doctor will mostly likely recommend further testing for Inflammatory bowel disease. good luck