How much milk have you drank?

Crohn's Disease Forum

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How much milk have you consumed?

  • Regularly (every day)

    Votes: 64 52.9%
  • Occasionally (weekly)

    Votes: 19 15.7%
  • Rarely (Monthly)

    Votes: 15 12.4%
  • Never

    Votes: 23 19.0%

  • Total voters
I don't find that lactose bothers me... milk fat can cause a few issues, so as long as I still to low fat milk products I am lucky enough to be able to consume them :) .

Of course, that being said, I do enjoy my higher fat content dairy products on occasion, but only if I am prepared to 'pay for it' the next day... lol.
Milk in any form does not bother me. In fact, when I was very ill with Crohns, milk products were almost the only thing that I could tolerate.

This is probably a controversial statement on this Forum, but I think that milk is beneficial for me because my blood group is Type B+.
Milk doesn't bother my stomach at all, I eat other dairy products regularly, but I don't drink milk because I just don't like the taste and that has been the case for a long long time, far before my diagnosis. But if I have to drink it for whatever reason, it has to be 1/2%. I refuse to drink any other.
When I was growing up I drank milk every day and that's all I drank. Once I moved out of home I stopped because I couldn't afford it. And now I drink it rarely. Not because it bothers me, but because I've gotten away from it and haven't really missed it much. I'm not lactose intolerant at all.
Milk daily with breakfast cereal. Sometimes I will get chocolate milk, although too much of it (or milkshakes) will definitely result in more trips to the washroom. Cheese and ice cream in moderation are also part of my diet.
As a kid I rarely drank milk. I hated it!! I still don't like milk by itself. I drink it in coffee or w/ a cookie. I use 2% because I was taught that nobody over the age of 2 needs all that milk fat. I used to use skim. It is not bad if you get used to it, but the rest of my family hates it so we settled on the 2 %.
I have milk every day in my cereal. Some days when i'm really poorly, my mum makes me drink milk and eat porridge because the milk lines my stomach:)
I don't really enjoy the taste of milk. But cheese, on the other hand, I can't get enough of!!!! I could eat cheese and crackers (a good variety of each) every day. Love it!!
I did an elimination diet for a while, and discovered milk doesn't bother me, so I have milk in my cereal and coffee. I should quit the coffee, but I enjoy it (and need it if I'm to be honest).
I'm with you Jessi, don't really drink milk, only have it when I'm having a bowl of cereal. I could eat cheese all day long though. Cottage cheese, cheese and crackers, I've even been known to cut a chunk off of a block of cheddar and eat that by itself....

I'd blame the mouse proteins in the Remicade, but I was a cheese-aholic long before then!
( I'm hungry!)
Am I the only one who doesn't really like cheese? The only time I like cheese is when it is melted on either pizza or nachos.
Yep, I was a mouse too before Remicade. :D

I love the expensive cheeses. I'm kinda a cheese snob. ;) My favorite is Danish Cream Havarti.
I agree with everything said about cheese, it is literally in everything I eat! I love cheese more than anything else that is edible!

Milk, on the other hand, I don't touch. I've had maybe 3 glasses in my lifetime. Tastes like crap to me and we never had it in the house. Plus it seems odd to drink the breastmilk of a completely different animal produced for their babies. Seems unnatural. Or maybe I'm just weird.
I love milk! and drink it every day! although now only in small amounts as it doesnt seem to do much good for my ileostomy. I cant wait to have it reversed and just sit with a bottle of the stuff and gulp away! haha
When I was young I recall drinking lots and lots of milk. Now I don't eat any dairy. I'm a bit like my father. He doesn't seem to care for dairy products either, other than a slice of cheese from time to time.
I don't mind milk, I just never really hanker for it. I love cheese too, I really like having little chunks of it on either a mini chedder or ritz biscuit for my supper - yum!
Growing up, I had milk three meals a day. And cheese, lots of cheese.

And then I was diagnosed as lactose intolerant and my cheese eating career came to an abrupt end :( I haven't had milk for 10 years now and can only handle really old or really stinky or goat cheese and even those I need my 'cheese pills' for

Definitely the thing I am most angry at my Crohn's for :p
I wasn't so much in milk about a year and a half ago before I've decided to get pregnant. From the moment, I have started drinking about 2 glasses every single day until I found out that I have Crohn and severe lactose intolerance.

I never knew that I have lactose intolerance until then. Funny enough, I grew up eating lots and lots of cheese and yoghurt though. I can't survive a day without cheese. Now I'm having lactose free cheese and cheddar cheese (usually I look for the ones with as less sugar as possible) and almond milk.

I drank cow's milk regularly as a child, as well as lots of cheese, ice cream and yoghurt. I was the calcium queen! I started having troubles with milk a few years before any other crohn's symptoms appeared and used lactose-free milk before making the switch to soy about a year ago (lactose-free still causes the gurgles!). Just started drinking rice milk this week as a trial and enjoying it, no stomach upsets.

Love cheese and eat it just about every day, as well as organic Greek yoghurt. I've read there is much less lactose in these items because the processing involved in their production lowers the content.

Ice cream however, sadly makes me really sick so I've had to give it up - gutting!
although i voted regularly ie every day, apart from breakfast cereal and tea a few times a day thats it. So not really a huge amount, probably about half pint a day.

Over the week I think I drink more cider than milk.
I love it, probably drink at least a pint every day and always full fat. Ever heard of the GOMAD (weight gain) diet? If you like milk, google it. It's madness! I know milk can be a bit funny for some of us so i'm def NOT recommending it :lol:
This is one of those interesting threads/discussions one can have... From 1~15ish years old growing up we drove a mile down the road (lived far out in rual country area) to neighbors dairy and got raw unprocessed milk from the holding tank befor the milk truck would come and take it away. We did this right up tell the state decided raw milk could not be sold.

This then set up a still ragging long long battle between my parents as to which brand milk tastes like actual milk.

I just recently tried tasty milk again and I defiantly can have it again which is important cause cause peanutbutter or cookies and cream milkshakes have returned, yay!! (drink a lot of milk)
iit's he only food that sends me strait to the bathroom, but cheese and yogurt are fine.
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Soy milk is so much better than milk!

It is not for those with thyroid issues.
It can interfere with thyroid medication.
At one time I did like it but then discontinued it because of Hashimotos treated with synthroid.
I love milk...but milk does not love me. Growing up I drank whole milk with dinner. By the time I was out of high school it would give me excruciating cramps, terrible gas and diarrhea. Now I never drink it or have ice cream. Last time I had ice cream I was in pain for hours. I have almond milk instead.
My son is allergic to cows milk, I have rarely eaten anything with a milk product in it in the last 4 years. I developed Crohn's during that time (during my second pregnancy).

I have thought about re-entering cow's milk yogurt into my diet, but am not really sure how without contaminating my house with cow's milk ::
I was told by a nutritionist that whole milk introduces less lactose in it than 2% or skim, since the fat helps the human body digest the milk in a more efficient way. I have found that skim milk aggravates my IBD, but whole milk does not. So, if you are feeling adventurous, give whole milk a try!
My son does eat some dairy products, but never liked or drank cow's milk. He prefers almond milk.
I drank it all the time as a kid and now all of the sudden I'm having crohns like symptoms. I read earlier today that MAP infection can be transferred to humans through cows milk. Seems like an interesting coincidence.
I love milk. All through chilhood I had two or three cups a day. Dairy has never been an issue for me. Recently when in hospital I had a sudden drop in blood sugar which caused an insane thirst for milk. I drank about four cups over the space of an hour, along with all the Lucozade the nurses were making me drink. I don't know why the blood sugar drop caused that particular craving, but few things feel as satisfying as drinking that milk did.
I drink at least 600ML of milk per day.

In Australia, there is a special type of cows milk called Complete Dairy High Protein Milk.

It goes through cold filtration which increases the amount of protein and decreases other things like lactose.

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