How often do you get scoped?

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Dec 15, 2011
San Antonio, TX
I've had to move around a lot recently due to major life things, but I've had 2 GI's who basically never care about my terrible blood work and symptoms, the first thing they want to do is a colonoscopy, and I don't do well with those TERRIBLE cramping and barfing every single time.
If I say no to scope they basically won't treat me, so I'm getting a new GI in 3 weeks but is this pretty standard that every time you have a flair they want a scope? how often have you been scoped?
I've had one colonoscopy and two endoscopies this year -- same GI... not in a high symptom flare, just enough inflammation to cause anemia... Since I am in my first year of this, I would like to expand your question to how often do you get scoped in general... it, will they scope periodically when not symptomatic?
I've never been scoped not when symptomatic simply because I've been scoped between every 6 months and a year, but my GI keeps telling me when I'm in a steady remission every 5 or 10 years they will want one- especially with the increased risk of colon cancer
If you switch to a new GI, most likely they will want you to have another scope simply because they are your new GI.
A scope is the best way for a new doctor to know exactly what your particular issues are. Just about every new doctor I've had has wanted to do a scope fairly early in the doctor/patient relationship.

Now that I've been with the same doctor for years, unless my symptoms are out of control, I get a colonoscopy about every 2-3 years.
I get scoped around once every 18 months/2 years. but i know what your saying, for a doctor, a scope is just a routine 10 minute job which he probably does about 10 a day. for us its a 2 day horrific experience with the prep and the fasting and the scope itself :(
Colonoscopies are the bread and butter for GI's in terms of making money. They are the procedures that bring in the most cash.
I am now on a two year schedule. I was on a three year schedule for a long time. I've had the same GI for over 10 years.
New GI means getting a colonoscopy. They're vital to figuring out exactly what you're up against.
Holy cow! I get scoped twice a year. I thought that was normal. In a way I'm glad though. Since resection 3 years ago, I've been showing about 3cm of disease, within 6 months went to 21 cm and I was immediately put on Humira. Best decision ever! I feel like I'm in remission. Next scope is October.
Theres is no time schedule for a scope. you basically get one whenever the doctor feels he wants a look.
Ive had 2 in one year before because i said i was having trouble doing the toilet.

What seems like a 3 day procedure for you is only a 10 minute procedure for him remember :p
Every 2 years - for interim problems, especially in the ileum, my gastroenterologist has been using an xray technique - too much narrowing for a capsule.

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