How often should I get bloodwork done?

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Jun 19, 2013
ashburn va
I was wondering how often should someone with crohns get blood work done? The reason why I ask this is because I haven't had blood work done for almost a year. I see a lot of people get blood work done every couple months and I didn't know what was normal.
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If you are on medication, and that medication requires monitoring, then you'll be told to go in more frequently. If your small intestine is affected by your Crohn's, then you'll likely have nutrient absorption issues and will want to test more often. If you have other problems, like anemia, then you'll want more frequent testing.

The actual frequency depends on those factors, but you'r doctor will be the one to decide how often you go.
As VeganOstomy said, it depends on your medication. Certain meds affect liver function, so testing primarily focuses on that, and is usually done about once a month. It's good to keep an eye on vitamin levels as well, but if you're feeling well it becomes less of a concern. I don't get my vitamin levels checked on a regular basis; instead, I just request they be checked every time I see my GP.
Okay that's good to know. I do have it in my small intestine but had surgery on it last year for two strictures. I am also only on pentasa and take vitamins. Thanks for letting me know.
I agree that it depends on disease activity and whether you are on medications that can affect organs like your liver. Personally excluding other directions due to meds I think every 3 months it's important to check blood levels for inflammatory markers, make sure vitamin levels are where they should be.
I think that the longest anyone with IBD should go without routine blood workup (simple CRP, CBC with Differential, and iron levels) is three months. And that's if you aren't on any meds that require better maintenance. If something is brewing, you want to be able to find it and prevent it. So, even when you are feeling better, it is still a good idea to get bloodwork done.