How soon do your symptoms kick in?

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Aug 19, 2011
Hello all, I have had CD for 13 years but feel clueless. I have never had a flare up until now. I've had RA for 18 years and the medications for that have always kept the CD at bay. After a change in RA Medication a few months ago all he'll began to break loose with my CD. It took me a while to figure out what was going on.
I am now going back on Humira and trying to figure out what foods I can eat and can't. I have always enjoyed a high fiber, plenty of fresh fruits and veggies diet with grass fed beef and pretty much whatever I wanted.
I have eliminated most all of that. I am keeping a detailed food journal but need some advice.
How long after eating something will I know that it triggered the pain and diarrhea. Is it what I ate for breakfast or last night's dinner?

That's the question of the ages, friend. It's highly variable from person to person and even from day to day or food to food. Some will effect you quickly, some will take a day. Keep a journal and try to spot commonalities. There are many theories about which diet is best. Most common is low residue, no dairy, I think. I've been reading "Breaking the Vicious Cycle" which suggests a no grain, low/no carb diet.
Greasy, fried foods are likely to cause stomach pain and crampy diarrhea. High fiber foods, such as nuts, seeds, and celery, may have trouble passing through narrow sections, causing pain.

You can cook your fresh veggies until they're softer. You can also try using a blender for your fruits if you think that may help. Your food journal should be a good tool.

I hope the Humira will get both your RA and your CD into remission and that you can resume your normal activities. Good luck.

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