Did you discuss getting off of it with your ibd consultant team? When I got off of it, I took 6 mg in the morning instead of 9 mg for 3 days, then 3mg for two days, then nothing. A GP once told me that I would not need to taper it down as it's only 9 mg, but I think, tapering down is the smoothest way to get off of it, without having mood swings and hormonal issues.
I was given loads of samples of pentasa and uceris when i was in the USA (and told I should be getting biologics). However after speaking to a doctor in the UK they have a less "gung ho" approach and said I shouldn't be on such strong meds at this stage.
I'll maybe start dropping a pill once every 3 days and slowly get off it. Waiting lists in the UK are months to see a GI unfortunately