How to safely transition from meds to medical marijuana

Crohn's Disease Forum

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Mar 27, 2014
Hi everyone,

I was diagnosed with CD in 2008. Since then, I was hospitalized twice and have not been able to go to any sort of remission. I was on asacol, prednisone, humira, remicade and most recently simponi with methotrexate---nothing is helping. I am feeling the best when on prednisone, but as soon as the prednisone is phased out and I am solely on humira, remicade, etc., I am instantly back to feeling bad again. I stopped using prednisone on Monday and right now I am only on simponi in conjunction with methotrexate. It's Thursday and I am already starting to feel bad.

After my daughter has been trying to convince me to try medical marijuana since 2008, I have finally given in. It is legal in CA, so I obtained the license earlier this week and started it tonight. What I would like to know is as follows.

Has anyone had the same experience as myself? If so, how did you safely discontinue the meds and transitioned to medical marijuana only? Were you able to go back into remission with medical marijuana?

I talked to my doctor about this, but as all doctors, he didn't even recommend medical marijuana. Then, once my daughter pushed him more, he said ok to take it, but he doesn't recommend ever getting off the meds.

At this point and since nothing seems to be working, I may have to take the matter into my own hands. I am willing to try anything and if anyone can help me out, I would be forever grateful.

Thank you in advance!!
Hello lili, welcome to CF.

Before we go any further I'd feel more comfortable with some sort of disclaimer, something along the line that none of us are qualified medical doctors and so it would probably be better if you asked your doctor too, which you already have, but he didn't give the information you needed. If you have that option, it may not be a bad idea to consult a MMJ friendly GI, or even general practitioner, to ensure you have at least someone looking after you. That being said, we can offer guidelines based on our own research and experience and you can make up your own mind based on that.

To answer your first question about remission: cannabinoid therapy can, by itself, induce remission without other pharmaceutical aids. Cannabinoids are extremely potent and powerful for our disease, but you need to use the proper delivery system. Cannabinoid ingestion, either in oil form or alcohol-based tinctures, is the recommended way. Inhalation via vaporization is in second place. Inhalation via combustion (smoking a joint) should only be used as a last resort.

Finding quality Rick Simpson Oil (RSO) or tinctures in California will not be difficult at all, there are many many dispensaries that sell them. I will let other Californians pitch in on this as I am not familiar with the area.

The next step is to start a daily cannabinoid regimen alongside your current meds. As you know prednisone has to be tapered off. I am not familiar with methotrexate or simponi, I never used them, I don't know if they can be stopped cold turkey or tapered off. Regardless, you should not stop taking them until you feel the cannabinoid therapy has starting to have an effect (which should be quickly).

Much like biologicals, cannabinoid therapy is a longterm strategy. You'll have to take a dose every day, probably forever, but yes, it can and will keep you in remission.
Thank you for replying! Yes, I am very familiar with Prednisone. I actually just stopped taking the last dose on Monday...of course, it was slowly reduced and this was on recommendation of my GI, so we can see how I do on these two other meds alone. That's why I thought now would be a good time to start MMJ. I talked to the MMJ doctor, but got distracted with other things, so forgot to ask him how to stop these meds if MMJ helps. However, even if i did, I doubt it he would want to give an opinion since he is not a GI doctor.

With that said, I did get the chocolate form of MMJ and took it for the first time last night. OMG! Unbelievable! Instant relief. I was already starting to feel the negative side effects of Simploni/Methrotexate since stopping Prednisone, so the fact that I barely went to the bathroom and feel no joint or stomach pain must be from MMJ. I will continue using it and will update everyone as to how it is working. Thank you again!