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Nov 28, 2012
Sorry I don't keep up here very well. I feel like I don't keep up well with anything these days!

Dylan is still really struggling and it is, as you know well, so very frustrating and heartbreaking. Asking for extra prayers today as we have two big meetings.

The first is to tour an alternative high school. I'm so worried about Dylan moving to high school. He misses so much school and our local HS is not very forgiving about these things. Even with a 504 plan I expect that it would be a lot of stress for him. He doesn't like to be behind or "in trouble" any kid does. This school i'm looking at would give him the ability to work at his pace. Honestly I think that he would always be ahead of the game. He likes school and he's smart but is always playing catch up in regular school and it is overwhelming for us both. It would also give him the opportunity to take classes like computer programming and CAD or electronics...things that interest him. It has a college prep tract, I just think it might be the ticket. If he gets "accepted" we will have to move so that we live in the district. It will be worth it, just a lot, again. Praying that it works out for him!

The second is with Dylan's pediatric GI. I feel like we need some big changes. Remicade definitely helped him for awhile but it doesn't seem to be anymore. And adding the methotrexate seems only to have lessened his immune system more! He has continued lower quadrant pain and pain with eating; but also has had a steady run of strep throat, stomach viruses, cough, headaches...everything. He is just not doing okay and I feel like we've tried this combo long enough. I think its time to move to Humira or something else - try something new. Also, prevacid may be a problem. Has anyone else had trouble with prevacid. When I look back at my journal from the first time he was on prevacid it lloks like he had a constant sore throat. When he had his endoscope back then(2years), the doc thought he may have Barretts age 12. The biopsy said NO but still there was damage there - possibly from prednisone. and prevacid was supposed to help that. But when he first went on Remicade it DID help and he didn't need prevacid so we got off it and he didn't have the sore throat. It is such a puzzle. I also wonder if his throat hurts from all the throwing up...his stomach is so sensitive that he throws up numerous times every week. For MONTHS he's been throwing up. I just don't know what to do next. Thanks for your prayers.

Oh, and one more thing. We struggle to keep weight on Dylan. I get frustrated by well meaning people telling me that I just need to feed him better and he'd be fine. For the last month, pretty much the only thing that he feels like he can eat is squash. I'm getting organic butternut, acorn, spaghetti squash. We cook it with olive oil or in the oven and with cinnamon or honey or a little seasalt... I don't know what else to do. He was on enteral nutrition for almost six months and it did NOTHING for his disease. He gained some weight but NOTHING for his disease. Argh. I just wish he could feel good and normal. That's all I want.

Thanks for letting me rant.
Sending big hugs!

Sounds like you've got some big decisions coming up. Good luck with both meetings. Really hope you get school sorted and especially his meds. Maybe a change would really help him xx

Oh so sorry to hear Dylan is not feeling well. I'm sending hugs and prayers your way!
What a fabulous mom you are!

Bravo for checking out alternative high school optins. It is so weird that we are so picky about every purchase we make in this society but when it comes o education we treat it as a one size fits all and that certainly is not the truth. I hope that high school is exactly what you are looking for.

Sorry no advice on the meds front just loots of good luck wishes coming your way.

As for the comments from people...yeah I got/get those all the time for O. I now just tell people they are probably right and ask if they would like to sign up to bring us dinner one night and ask what date works for them:lol2:
I'm sorry Dylan is still suffering. Did you do exclusive enteral nutrition while on the remicade? I know one parent here who did that and it seemed to put things back in order. My daughter is gaining weight left and right on it, but it doesn't seem her disease is as bad as yours. Has your son had allergy testing? I agree something has got to change.

As for high schools, we're in the process of doing the same with our 13 yo IBDer. We're looking at two different schools. The one you're describing sounds a lot like one of the ones we're looking at.
(((((((hugs))))))) I'm sorry Dylan is feeling so bad :( It's so frustrating and heartbreaking to watch our kids suffer and feel helpless :(
Good luck with the school, that sounds like it would be wonderful!
Has he had scopes or an MRE recently? Labs? Do you think he is flaring right now? I ask because you completely described what my son went through for the last year and a half. Feeling, horrible, not eating, sore throats, losing weight, vomiting several times a week. He had a stricture from scar tissue and was almost fully blocked... and no amount of meds will help with scar tissue. In fact, Remicade might make it worse. Just curious.

Sending thoughts and prayers your way today!
:( It truly is heartbreaking to see your child unwell! :(

I hope the GI schedules some tests to see what is going on! Hopefully, leading the way to a different treatment, if necessary!

Hope all went well with the school tour. I'm a big believer in finding the right school... I definitely looked around for a high school with the right fit for my kids and they didn't even have special needs at that time! Good luck!!!
Sorry to hear things are not going great. That high school sounds good - I hope the tour, etc goes well. It's not fun moving house, but worth it in the end if it makes life easier in the long run.
Hope the meeting with the GI goes well too.
I will be praying for you and your sweet son. (((((Hugs))))) too, so hard to see them feeling sick so much.

I see he was on Prevacid before, did it help? The throat problems and vomiting seem similar to my son. He needed the Prevacid till things healed. Seeing an allergist is a great idea too.

Hang in there momma!
Thanks everyone. It really is so nice to have this outlet. There is always so much to think about. I have gotten much better in the last three years about letting go and letting God; it's brought me a level of peace that is rewarding. Yet, still there are times when I get overwhelmed and I want answers on MY schedule. Like all of you, I don't feel that I ask for much...only for my son to feel good and be happy.

So, we loved the school. I was so proud of how Dylan conducted himself during the tour, and felt by the end like they were all out recruiting him. He is such a great kid - I don't know anyone who wouldn't want him! I have some work to do now to update his 504 plan and get it transferred to that district and then to find a new place to live, figure out a way (hopefully) to get out of my current lease and move. I am comfortable that this is THE best path for him and really grateful that it is available.

I'll try to answer some questions posed her about his disease. He has had 3 colonoscopies and endoscopies in the past almost 3 years and did a pill cam a year ago (that got stuck and did not film into the lower parts of the small bowel). All have shown active disease at various stages from moderate to severe but not a lot of stricturing or scar tissue. I do contribute this in part to the EN. Because I've had this disease for a long time, I recognized some of the signs in him relatively early and we've always tried to do things like limit bulk and chew everything to bits...i don't know how much it helps honestly, but we try because it feels "active" we're doing something. Personally, i had a lot of stricturing that led to many obstructions and finally perforation and surgeries and a big mess. I have been very worried about Dylan because I always knew things were going really bad when stuff started coming up instead of going down. Constant vomiting...without other virus etc...not good.

His GI also was/is concerned about this. This is the reason that we did a run of prednisone earlier this year. She said the same thing - that we could add more remicade or mtx or whatever but if its a stricture it won't help. We knew that prednisone corrected his crohn's before (but it also is NOT an ok drug for him longer term for many other reasons including what we believe was damage in his eusophagus). The idea was that if the prednisone helped his disease it was active disease causing the problems. If it did not, we would do more scopes and invasive things to figure it out where the stricturing was, etc. Well the pred boost DEFINITELY helped, so she is confident and I am fairly sure as well that it isn't stricturing. I'm NOT sure that his vomiting hasn't been related to various viruses that he's been getting. He definitely got Norwalk virus from the hospital, he never tested positive for the flu, but did test positive for strep. This is why I feel that the combo of rem and mtx just lowered his resistance TOO much and did NOT keep his disease in check.

Anyway, we did a full set of labs again yesterday, we're working on the fecal cal protectin test to get turned in asap. We decided to end Remicade and Mtx and try Humira. PLEASE pray that this will be the ticket for him. As all our kids do, he just really needs a break.

Meantime, I have my colonoscopy/endoscopy on Monday. I don't know what to do about me either. My GI symptoms are very mild, though present for sure, more than I've had in years. But my arthritis symptoms and the fatigue are over the top. It has dramatically affected my quality of life. I work out relentlessly and it helps the joint pain most days. But I can barely get through a full work day and take care of my son. Other than church and a workout, I do nothing all weekend but sleep and rest so that I can get through the next week. It has been since November that I've felt good. I'm on 800mg of Rem every 6 weeks, maxed on MTX. I've had vit d, calcium, thyroid, b-12...all kinds of things tested and they are normal. I am so very tired of being tired. It just gets really overwhelming. Somehow I KNOW that if we get Dylan better, I will get better too.

Thanks again everyone.
Hey Jodie,

I am so very sorry for the tough time that Dylan is going through and how hard it is on you also... I will *definitely* add you both to my prayers tonight!! What a blessing that he has you for his Mom!!

My son is 16 and we had a 504 through the county but it was just too difficult to keep up. He's a smart kid (really smart kid) and missing 1 to 2 days of school per week only stressed him out and (I believe) inhibited him from truly getting well. We went back to our doctor and he agreed to have him "pulled" out of school and placed on Home and Hospital Instruction through our County. He has now been on HHI full time for 2 years (and half year for both 7th & 8th grades). It has been a MAJOR blessing! NO stress when it comes to school for him now. As a sophomore he has a main teacher that comes in twice a week (or he can go up to the HS or Library to meet - they decide pending how he's feeling) and a Spanish teacher that comes in once a week. He's pulling straight As and loves it. At this point his doctor has said even if he is feeling 100% he wouldn't change his recommendation to have him at home and it is completely up to my son if he wants to "try" being in a classroom or not (he has chosen not as he gets LOTS of friend time away from school).

Might be worth looking into for your county!

Praying for you!!!
My husband is Ghana for three weeks and Liam is really unwell. Tomorrow he has too specialists appointments - Pediatric Gastroentrologist & Dermatologist.

So this evening I walked into a glass sliding door, gave myself concussion and broke my nose. Which means we've had to add a trip to ENT Surgeon for me to tomorrow's schdule, which I really didn't need.
Good grief Maree, that is awful! :(

Sending loads of hugs to you! :ghug::ghug::ghug:

Dusty. :heart:
My 14 year old was brillant he stopped the bleeding, found me an ice pack then rang around family friends until he found someone who was able to come and drive me to the hospital, which was great as I really wasn't with it at all.

Hospital visit was really quick seen by a doctor, wound dressed and bandaged, xray, tetnus injection, appointment made for specialist, pharmacy visit and out again inside an hour, I've found before there's nothing like a bleeding head wound to get prompt service.
I'm sure Peter glad he away.

No good would come of being home for one of yourself inflicted injuries.

Reminds me of when Sarah broke her nose on her pillow.
When Sarah was about 2 and half years old she was playing in her bedroom. She come out saying her a hurt her nose on her pillow.

There follow a trip to the doctors.

Dr: How did hurt nose?
Me: She says her pillow did it, I don't know I didn't see it.

Later had day I looked under her pillow and found a wooden puzzle with the little pegs.

So actually broke her nose on the puzzle her keep under her pillow.
Maree I hope all heals well. Ironically I have yet to brake my nose but I have had some MAJORS hits to the nose and still no break. THANK GOD!
I've woken with the headache from hell. So let's hope I manage to sound vaguely coherent during our morning meeting with the Gastroentrologist. lol -- TIMING

By the way my husband reminded me this morning that yesterday was our wedding aniversary. I've been so buried in dealing with my unwell kid I'd totally forgotten. Pete had better buy something really nice from Accra or he's going to be in serious trouble.
:ghug: I hope your headache soon settles and the appointment goes well Maree. :goodluck:

Fingers crossed for a fab anniversary present! :)

Dusty. :heart:
If there isn't a fab present, I think a trip to my favorite jewellery shop is in order.

The ENT said my nose break is pretty minor and should heal without need for surgery, which is a definite plus.

Will comment on Liam's appointment on his thread.

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