Humira injection fail

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Jan 13, 2015
Hi all,
has anyone else had this issue.

I placed the injection pen over the spot... fired... didn't get the needle like pain... watched the yellow indicator travel down, indicating the drug had been injected. Then when I removed the pen lots of liquid flushed out and spilled over the skin.

There was a tiny red pin prick on the skin but I fear the needle shattered, snapped or broke or something I'm not sure what happened.

Any advice welcome. (can I take another dose) This stuff is expensive... such a waste to the NHS is the needle was faulty.
There should be a humira number on the box for the UK
Call and the rep should be able to tell you what to do
Also call your Gi office
Call Humira. They should replace it. I've had two faulty Epipens; Humira replaced both. If you think the needle is in you, get appoint with your dr also.
thanks all.
I've contacted my IBD nurse to see what she thinks. I'm guessing taking the next pen in my bag will be ok but want to double-check.

Good to know that Abbvie have replaced before... at bloody £350 each I'd expect them not to be error prone!
From what I understand, Abbvie is pretty reasonable about replacing malfunctioning pens. I've also seen them replace pens due to user error. Definitely reach out to them as well.
I've been injecting for over a year now and did this one the exact same way I always do. Highly unlikely a user error