Hi all,
has anyone else had this issue.
I placed the injection pen over the spot... fired... didn't get the needle like pain... watched the yellow indicator travel down, indicating the drug had been injected. Then when I removed the pen lots of liquid flushed out and spilled over the skin.
There was a tiny red pin prick on the skin but I fear the needle shattered, snapped or broke or something I'm not sure what happened.
Any advice welcome. (can I take another dose) This stuff is expensive... such a waste to the NHS is the needle was faulty.
has anyone else had this issue.
I placed the injection pen over the spot... fired... didn't get the needle like pain... watched the yellow indicator travel down, indicating the drug had been injected. Then when I removed the pen lots of liquid flushed out and spilled over the skin.
There was a tiny red pin prick on the skin but I fear the needle shattered, snapped or broke or something I'm not sure what happened.
Any advice welcome. (can I take another dose) This stuff is expensive... such a waste to the NHS is the needle was faulty.