Hysterectomy anyone?

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May 26, 2011
hysterectomy anyone?

Have any of you had a hysterectomy?

If so, how did it impact your Crohn's??

I am having one at the at end of June for a distended uterus, but my symptoms include major pelvic pain, bouts of constipation followed by diarrhea.... and weight loss!!

Had a CT scan ordered by my GI doc and it showed the distended uterus.....

I can't help but think that it's all related....
I don't have any advice, though I know a few members have had a hysterectomy. I hope they'll bop in here to answer your questions. But I wanted to wish you luck. I hope you have a speedy recovery!
I know Joan (astra) has had one, but her daughter has just had surgery, so she's been unavailable this past week mostly.

I've not had a hysterectomy either, but I have certainly heard ALOT of us having female problems. Especially endometritis.

Sorry! But it sounds awful!

Hi, Allicat, I had a hysterectomy in 1991, about 9 years after I was diagnosed with Crohns. I was 35 when I had the hysterectomy, and I had it because of severe endrometriosis and recurring ovarian cysts. I had resisted getting one for years; two years earlier, I had had a myectomy, just to remove the cysts which had grown so large they were a cancer risk, but they came right back and my gynecologist said I could continue to have major abdominal surgery every two years to remove the cysts, but she didn't recommend it.

Still I got a second and third opinion. The main reason I was resisting was that my gynecologist had seen when she did the myectomy that I had endometrial tissue growing on and all around my colon. The endometrial growth was so bad that there was a chance that they would accidentally cut into the colon and have to do an emergency colostomy.

Luckily, I had a great gynecologist and a great gastroenterologist, and I was able to set up a consultation appointment with the two of them at the same time, so they could discuss it and I could ask questions. We decided that it would be best to go ahead with the surgery, and that they would also have a surgeon who specialized in colostomies present at the time, as well as my own gastroenterologist. I went under anesthesia not knowing what parts of my body would be missing when I woke up. That was the scariest part.

In the end, they didn't have to do a colostomy, they just removed my uterus and my ovaries. They also removed my appendix, so they could rule out appendicitis as the cause of any future abdominal pain. Recovery period was 8 weeks, and I went without hormone replacement therapy for six months to give the endometrial tissue time to dry up. (That turned out to be a great time to get things done -- Ms Crankypants even got the cable guy to come at a designated time!)

After I healed from the surgery, I found I felt better than I had in years, and I wished I had had it done when it was first recommended. The endometrial tissue growing around my colon had really exacerbated my Crohn's symptoms -- or what I thought were my Crohn's symptoms. I'll never know how much of the diarrhea and abdominal pain in those nine years was caused by endometriosis. All I know is that I felt much, much better after having it done, and now when I have abdominal cramps, it's likely to be from Crohn's.

Hope that helps -- I'd be happy to answer any questions you might have.
I had a hysterectomy at 32 years old, and my Crohn's improved tremendously afterward. I had a large fibroid that aggrevated the Crohn's.

My surgeon infused prednisone and an antibiotic while she performed the surgery-I had no complications and felt better than I had in a long time.
I am waiting to see a specialist about having a hysterectomy because of my periods but I do find that I have more problems with diarhhoae and sick just before my period arrives. also I am waiting for colonscopy to see what is going on with my bowels.
I may have to make a decision tommorrow. I have UC. My pain was always in my left lower abdomen. Always thought it was the colitis. Finally had a ultrasound and I have an endometrioma they think is attached to my csection scar. They will measure it again tommorrow to see if it has grown. If I have to have it removed I think I may get rid of the uterus too. Every time my period comes on The growth must swell, so much that it is hard to button my pants. I shall know tommorrow!
I had one three weeks ago for fibroid tumors that continued to grow. I had pain for two+ years in my lower left abdomen, pain during intercourse, and also pain up standing. Once I was completely in remission, I was able to determine some of my pain was from the fibroids. I am VERY happy to have had the hysterectomy and feel great. I'm happy to be free from unidentifiable abdominal pain. I chose to have the surgery now as a minimally invasive procedure (just one, one inch scar) as opposed to major surgery a year from now. Good luck on your decision. Just take your time and try to use your head and not so much your heart when it comes to deciding.

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