I cant take much more !!

Crohn's Disease Forum

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May 27, 2014
Hello to all,
Thank you for allowing me to be part this forum.So often people don't realize how much people with crohns suffer. Here is my story. I am 43 years old and was diagnosed with crohns. My GI doc was a complete idiot. He thought the answer was steroids,sreroids,steroids, I was so dependent, when I hit 10 mg I would start bleeding again. Needless to say, I found an awesome GI Doc who was aggressive. I just had a colonoscopy and an EGD. Showing duodenitis and. Inflammatory areas to my descending colon.And today I had an endoscopy capsule, to check out my small bowel. He is also starting me on Rowasa enemas for six weeks, starting tommorrow. Sounds kinda yuk!! But if it works , I am doing it. I have Also had multiple cat scans, barium swallows and small bowel series. Here is my question, I am finding it hard to do anything anymore. I think I am becoming clinically depressed. I have very embarrassing accidents often and have approximately 10-20 BM,s per day. Sorry about being discusting. But I am sure everyone understands. Everyday is s battle. Just getting out of bed. And I feel like I am alone in this battle. Any help , at all, would be greatly appreciated. Thanks to all that read my post.
Hi and welcome.
:hug:Alone your most certainly not.
Even children like my Grace have this disease.
Many have been in your shoes and that's why they come here.
It's a place to feel like a family instead of an outsider.

Many people benefit from counseling. This disease does a lot more then just physical damage, it also takes a mental toll on even the most grounded people.
Please consider it.
As always we're here to help when you need us and maybe give you a smile when one is needed.

Hi and welcome. I'm sorry you're going through this...it is awful.
I firmly believe a therapist is a crucial part of the medical team; especially anyone recently diagnosed.
Sending you my support and hope for remission.
My advice from experience: (everyone is different so it wont necessarily work.)

Exercise hard just 15 minutes a day to the extent that after 5 minutes you're already sweating away.

Today's my first in a while, back in school almost a whole day. after just 2 days trying this.
Hi there and welcome to the community. I'm so sorry you had a GI that thought steroids were the answer :(

Has the new GI talked about what he wants to try besides the Rowasa?

All my best to you!
ive never had more then one bowel movement since starting a modified SCD diet, no meds, complication free for 5 years, and severe disease. not symptoms free though but my diarhea has always been under control.

my advice- reduce intake of lactose and sucrose(disacharide sugars) and reduce intake of foods that contain them. this include most fruits. and get on some different drugs to control the inflammatory response. there is tons more you coudl do to improve cant say it all here though. good luck!!

if you have time check out this thread http://www.crohnsforum.com/showthread.php?t=52400
Has your GI talked about other medications than the Rowasa? I personally think that a biologic like Remicade or Humira would be a really good idea considering the severity of your case.

I'm sorry your had a bad GI who just kept throwing steroids at you... my previous one did that and I ended up in the hospital multiple times and with complications that took a year to heal.
You are certainly not being disgusting. We all talk bowels here, how many times we go, the consistency, there is nothing wrong with talking about BM. I am up to about 20 a day and it is exhausting. Have you asked for something for the diarrhoea? There are a range of medications that can help. I have tried them all, and am now on codeine for it, which is not ideal. But it is worth asking about something like Imodium or lomotil. Seeing a counsellor is a good idea and it may be that you are depressed.
Sorry you are having such a hard time. I was diagnosed with Crohn's 28 years ago and finally learned that you have to do what works for you. Whether that be a particular diet, meds for anxiety or talking to a counselor. You are not being disgusting we can relate here. Good luck to you and hang in there.