I hate doctors

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Jan 20, 2012
my gp put me on some tablets (sulfasalazine) a few months ago and sent me to another GI which i went to for the first time today....

should have stayed in bed really i got there and went in with a list and some paperwork (blood tests previous GI results etc) he asked the usual are these details correct how much do u weigh i told him and he said well if you have been to a GI 2 years ago and he diagnosed you with IBS what are you wanting me to do i said well considering that sulfasalazine is working my gp is very confident that ive got chrons or possibly colitis.

he didnt even answer this and said heres a letter go get a ct of your stomach and ill get your last GI to send me his results (he removed a heap of pollits and found im lactose intollerant)

i was in and out within about 6 minutes and when i got my piece of paper with what i wanted to ask and tell him like all my symptoms he rolled his eyes so i didnt even bother so im gonna go to my gp and see what he recommends as he is the only person in all these years that has done anything but stick me on gastrostop and say you will be ok, just keep going and it will be better its just IBS....

if it was IB fu***** S it should have gone away and sulfasalazine would have done nothing GRRRRR

just had to get it out hehe
What a terrible appointment! We are so hoping for answers when we finally get to our appointments-- it is so demoralizing when health professionals don't seem to want to help us.

All I can suggest is to take someone with you to help advocate for you at the next appointment, wherever you choose to go. When I do this I find that the doctors seem to take more time to answer both of our questions and so I get more info that way and more help.
Oh, thats the worst. When I moved I had a GI tell me he was not refilling my meds and gave
me an RX for Valium!! I think my head spun around at that point. I politely tore it in half and
left. I would love to get a few Drs in a conference and ask them why "we" have such a hard time getting a diagnosis.

Please hang in there and keep looking for a Dr who will HEAR you and HELP you! My help came from the emergency room last month when I was admitted for 8 days. Ok, ALL my drs foget to come in and see me one day but, in general I was rediagnosed so it was worth it in the end.... No pun intended!!

Good luck...