The last CT scan showed the following...
Procedure: CT enterography of the abdomen and pelvis ll/23/2012 using
Volumen contrast p.o. and 130 Cc Omnipaque»-300 contrast intravenously.
Postprooessing is performed, and images are reformatted in multiple
planes . MIP images are generated.
Clinical data: Abdominal and pelvic pain.
Findings: There is chronic appearing bilateral Lá spondylolysis with
mild grade 1 spondylclisthesis of L4 anteriorly on L5'. This is unchanged
since ll/19/2012,. Y
Again noted is diffuse thickening of the distal ileum and terminal ileum
with stranding in the adjacent fat. The thickening is not definitely
changed. Again noted is a tiny extraenterìc gas bubble in the mid pelvis
anterior and to the right of this abnormal ileum. The amount of
stranding and associated fluid appears slightly decreased since
11/19/2012. This is obviously an inflammatory process outside the ileum,
but there is no frank abscess formation. There are several borderline
and mildly enlarged lymph nodes in the adjacent mesentery, particularly
in the right lower quadrant. These findings could be inflammatory bowel
disease with mesenteric adenitis or infectious ileitis with reactive
lyrnphadenopathy. There is no bowel obstruction. A few diverticula are
identified from the colon. There is no CT evidence of diverticulitie.
Lung bases are clear. The liver, Spleen, pancreas, adrenal glands, and
kidneys are normal. The gallbladder and bile ducts are within normal
The pain is in my gut in general, most all of my stomach feels a bit achy. I get light pinching up to cramping which varies throughout the day. The cramps last a minute or so. Energy levels are still low, so is appetite, I've lost about 14lbs since 11/19, mostly due to lack of eating I think.