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Hi again Sigh,

you can read about my experiement with Elemental diet and Fasting in the previous post.

yeah you are right, you must get off the prednisone, its been long enough. The fact that you still see occasional blood even now with the prednisone questions me... When is your next gastro appointment? When the rectum and last part of the colon are affected, [wiki2="5-asa"]5-ASA[/wiki2] enemas/[wiki2="Suppositories"]suppositories[/wiki2] are indicated and can be combined with oral sulpha for greater efficacy. This could be a possibility for you before trying Humira. The sulpha could help for both rectum and joint inflammation. This combination is less toxic and risky than the Humira so it could be worth the try.

Elimination diet can take up to 3 months before showing some improuvement signs, so please dont give up. What did you eleminate?

I know my suggestion might seem radical, but try to go Vegan for a while emphasizing on vegetables for the majority of your food intake during the day. Avocados, boiled squash (easy to prepare with our arthritis) are really filling and you wont feel starved if you eat a lot of them. Eat natural food only and cut all sugars. Its drastic, but thats how you can best know if diet can help you or not.

I eat 2 avocados per day, sometime mixed with other vegetables in salads with olive oil or sometimes plain with  non-raffined sea salt.
