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Hi Tryagain,

I am in my 30's so other conditions related to aging are discarded. I dont have hypermobile joint either.

when I sleep, I dont have pain.

when I wake up, I am stiff. The stiffeness gets better as the day goes on, but it never comes to feel like normal hands. There is always some restriction. But much better now than at the beginning of this journey. I help the stiffeness by diping my hands in hot and cold water alternating for a few minutes when I wake up. 2 months ago, it would take me 2 hours before feeling like I could go out freely. After the prednisone and Vivonex and Fasting, I am ready to go out in 30 minutes. I have gained a lot of freedom and really hoping I'll be able to maintain this condition and not regress.

if I do too much of a repeated activity, like cutting food, I can start to feel pain that can last for 24 hours and it irradiates in my inside wrist and arm, really aweful feeling. But its been a while now that I got this bad feeling. However, i must be conscious at all time to be careful not to exceed my limits and to find the good balance between moving and resting. My wrists are the most sensitive, annoy me a lot more than the MCP or fingers. In november 2013, I went through a ankle episode that lasted for 3 weeks after having sitten with my legs crossed. I got so worried the arthritis would evolve in my ankles, but, it finally setlled down after 3 weeks. It was 1 ankle in particular but during this 3 weeks, I felt discomfort in both my knees on some occasions and on this other ankle too. Since then I never cross my legs again!!! and always sit very ergonomically never pressuring any joint!

the thing that worries me the most is that since this full year, I have been having gradual [wiki2="Steroid-Myopathy"]muscle atrophy[/wiki2] in my hands. The rheumy is not worried, but I think its pretty intense. My inside palms are really atrophied and we can see all my tendons very clearly, its hard to understand since my arthritis is mild..:yrolleyes:.

Have you talked with your doctor about trying EN? I am thinking about that with your stoma. I have no knowledge regarding stoma and EN.

all the best to you too, lets keep in touch :ghug:
