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Hi lady organic and sigh.

I would love to hear how you are both doing.

I have had my blood results, no lupus or RA markers, which is good news and makes me fairly convinced I have the Crohns peripheral type 2 arthritis. It would be good to find out more about this, like whats the chance of it going into remission ! I am also interested to know if the trauma of surgery / stopping longerm steroids / by passing my large bowel with [wiki2="Ileostomy"]ileostomy[/wiki2] has anything to do with it. I would really like to know whether having the ileo reversal surgery is likely to improve the situation ir make it worse.  So many questions and there is so little I can find about this condition on line.  Do you know if Is it possible to put out a general question on this site to all members to ask if anyone has this and if so what their experience is ?

My symptoms have got a little worse, still mostly my wrists and finger joints but also painful shoulders have woken me, and sometimes my knees, apart from the hands the other pains come and go.

I hope that the [wiki2="Low-Dose-Naltrexone"]LDN[/wiki2] and diet therapies are working well for you both. I have been cutting down dairy meat and sugar and trying to stay gluten free, but can't say I have noticed a difference, but then I have had the odd piece of bread / cake, so maybe not strict enough.

There is a book called the IBS low starch diet, which is really about how starch affects ankylosing spondylitis and related gut conditions. The arguments a bit like the one in Breaking the Vicious cycle  ( specific carbohydrate diet ) and it makes sense. I imagine maybe the lining of my small bowel is weakened or "leaky" allowing bad bacteria to pass through causing an inflammatory reaction. So eliminating the bacteria  and the conditions in which they grow and thrive is crucial.t seems similar to the anti inflammatory diet. The problem is I really need starchy food to manage this stoma so I can't stick to these diets just now.

I am waiting for my first rheumatologist appointment on 14/4 for more tests. Meanwhile I have started a course called " mindfulness for health " it runs over 8 weeks here in manchester. There is a book with CD which is very good and available on amazon. It's called Mindfulness for Health by Burch and  Penman. It is helping me deal with these symptoms and my anxiety too.

So I hope you are doing well and to hear from you

