IBD plus IBS

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Feb 1, 2013
Ongoing diarrhea/pain. Scopes look ok, labs ok,no fecal test ever suggested in peds setting. Already on antidepressant. Lomotil not working. Have just added Bentyl. On Remi 7.5 mg per kg every six weeks. Doc says she now has IBS even though IBD looks in remission. Is this a sub underlying inflammation ? He says that Remi may be working too well and causing these symptoms.Wants to extend to every eight weeks. This doesn't make sense. Saw where someone added Mesalimine and even Azathiopurine? Please give input.
My daughter has the same issues - diarrhea, pain and weight loss. She also has clean scopes and a clean pillcam, so her GI thinks it's IBS. I'm not really sure what to think at this point. We're also considering trying Bentyl or Levsin.
I've never heard of anyone saying Remicade could cause these issues though. That doesn't make any sense to me.
I have been fighting the same issues since September. I am currently on cimiza. I have tried the Bentyl, and Levsin, neither have have helped much. I went to a dietician at my GI's office, she has me on a FODMAP diet. The hardest thing with it, trying to eat something that doesn't bother my Crohns or IBS. It has helped some (I eat a lot of can fruit) I'm frankly getting tired of eating the same things.

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