If you have pain, where is it?

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Jan 13, 2010
Hi everyone! :)

As new as I am to all this, I already know how Crohn's is a so very a different thing to each of us that is no such thing as average or normal. But I hope it's ok to ask general questions, anyway.

So, if you have abdominal pain, where and how do you have it? I hear alot about about low (below the belly button) pain and right-lower-quadrant pain and the occassional mention of left sided pain. But what is the quality of it? Sharp, dull, crampy ~ is it diffuse or can it be pinpointed? And does sit come on suddenly or does it build? Continuous or in waves?

I can't quite decide if the pain I have is from Crohn's or from a benign tumor that I know is in my cecum. Matter of fact, I hesitate to call it 'pain' ~ more a sensation, an awareness. And i can take a single fingertip and show the exact spot that I feel it. Does anyone else have anything like this related to their Crohn's?
I am pretty much pain free since surgery. Hallelujah....The pain was excruciating and left me either doped up on pain meds or confined to the couch for 3 months.

It was a sharp contraction type of pain. It would come in waves. I felt it all over my abdomen. I also had constant RLQ pain that felt like someone had punched me.

My disease is in the terminal ileum.....I hope that helps. I could never show an exact location.
Never worry about asking questions. We all have different experiences. Someday another person may stumble upon this thread and say, "Hey, I have that same symptom."
I have right lower quadrant pain that feels like a constant, dull ache that never lets up. When it gets agitated though, it'll start to "throb". I have left sided pain, too, but it feels different. It's a lot more subtle. Upper right quadrant pain feels like a gnawing sensation -- in fact, that was my first symptom. I thought I had an ulcer.
I still have stabbing pain in the lower right about 6" below the ribs and in from the side. GI says that might never really go away for me. It is exactly where they spliced my ascending colon and remaining Ileum together.

If I have been eating beef and stuff I will start to back up and can get pain over to the left like Nessie mentions.

It is kinda cool but in the beginning when in the Hospital I could feel stuff trying to pass through those two areas with my hands. It would rise up on the lower left, hurt and then drop down behind my bladder only to rise back up on the extreme lower right. Then sloooooowwwwly squeeze into the cecum and the pressure would fade.
I haven't had any pain since my surgery in 2000. As I recall though it was a constant ache or throb on my lower right hand side. And would hurt a lot when that area was pressed on.

Last night, I had a stabbing pain that felt like it originated in my lower right hand side but would radiate throughout my abdomen. It's the type of pain that catches you off guard, makes you sweat slightly and almost yelp but then goes away as quickly as it came. Happened about 4 times in a row as a throb and then was gone. I have no idea if this was related to my crohns or that maybe I just swallowed a piece of glass without knowing. :p I just had a scope (lower) done and it came back fine. Anyone think this could be crohns related?
I have had a few different pains.

The most common is cramping below my belly button. It comes and goes, and increases in pain.

The other pain I feel is a sharp, stabbing paid in my upper abdomen. It comes and goes, as well. I haven't figured out if this pain is Crohn's related. I've felt it for about the past 11 years, way before I was diagnosed.
Aside from bloating and general cramps and gas bubbles my pain is mostly concentrated in the lower right quadrant.
I don't have a diagnosis, but thought i'd still share my pain. :)

I have a constant ache throughout my whole abdomen and lower back, and a really bad bloating feeling. I get sharp, shooting pains on my right side, often lower, but sometimes mid-right, and my whole abdomen almost feels bruised, is really tender to the touch.
My pain has usually been isolated to the right side, but this fall I started having pain in the lower left as well. Currently the pain in the lower left is constant and the pain in my usually lower right is frequent, but not constant. I have a lot of lower back pain too- but I think it is because I try to hold my abdominal muscles so still as to not aggrivate the pain, so the back muscles are sore like after a workout.
My pain starts around the belly button area, and sometimes under my right ribcage area. The pain can also hit across my abdomen underneath the bellybutton. It is dull and spreads to affect the right side but can move to radiating and all-consuming, often times taking my breath away.
My pain is in the lower left-quadrant. Alters betweeen a constant pain ( before BM ) and cramps. And then I get soooooooo tired :(
My trouble spot seems to be inflammation at the terminal ileum, which is located to the right of belly button. My pain depends on what and how much I eat, and oddly enough usually attacks on the left side and below belly button.

I often notice it coming on and can take a couple cramp pills (Hyomax) to keep the pain managable. The pain varies from dull ache to sharp enough that stops me and takes my breath away for about 20 seconds. It comes in waves of various timing....a couple minutes to ~20 minutes apart. Each time usually ends with an eruption of gurgling / growling noise, which is embarrassing, but I don't care too much because it relieves the pain.

Fun stuff! :angry-banghead:
Mine is always right under my belly button. It comes out of nowhere and usually it is bad enough to knock me off my feet. I get nauseous and have to lay down in a ball. Though now I have pain killers, so not that bad.
mwb3779 said:
I ate red meat tonight. Thank God for Oxycodone!

I hope you will be alright, last time I ate meat I ended up in the ER. I guess it is very difficult to digest so I am staying clear of it.
Brian said:
My trouble spot seems to be inflammation at the terminal ileum, which is located to the right of belly button. My pain depends on what and how much I eat, and oddly enough usually attacks on the left side and below belly button.

I often notice it coming on and can take a couple cramp pills (Hyomax) to keep the pain managable. The pain varies from dull ache to sharp enough that stops me and takes my breath away for about 20 seconds. It comes in waves of various timing....a couple minutes to ~20 minutes apart. Each time usually ends with an eruption of gurgling / growling noise, which is embarrassing, but I don't care too much because it relieves the pain.

Fun stuff! :angry-banghead:

Hi Brian, just thought I'd mention I have a theory on the left side pain with the terminal ileum inflammation. So, the ileum is on the right, right? When i was initially diagnosed/hospitalised in July that's where my pain was, radiating into my lower back as well. I had abscesses as well as stricturing.

What I notice more now though is that on occasions when I do get cramping after eating it's all on the left side, and the gurgles down that side are unvelieveable!

I am thinking that this happens because this is the part that gets stretches when food somes in as it tries to get through the narrowed area on the right. I notice that, even when I am fine, I tend to get a slight dull ache on the lower right side. And when i get the cramping, it feels like that balooning is forcing me to have to poop as it is pressing on the large descending colon!
I just have pain in the whole gut area and sometimes some rather shocking "shooting pains" going from my butt up my insides....awfully fun in lecture haha. Its kind of an aching pain that depending on the severity can turn into a feeling of somebody reaching in a twisting up everything and feels like I can't actually stand up fully. I've never been able to have an area or region I could say this is where it is.
shazamataz said:
Hi Brian, just thought I'd mention I have a theory on the left side pain with the terminal ileum inflammation. So, the ileum is on the right, right? When i was initially diagnosed/hospitalised in July that's where my pain was, radiating into my lower back as well. I had abscesses as well as stricturing.

What I notice more now though is that on occasions when I do get cramping after eating it's all on the left side, and the gurgles down that side are unvelieveable!

I am thinking that this happens because this is the part that gets stretches when food somes in as it tries to get through the narrowed area on the right. I notice that, even when I am fine, I tend to get a slight dull ache on the lower right side. And when i get the cramping, it feels like that balooning is forcing me to have to poop as it is pressing on the large descending colon!

Thanks shaz! Yeah, this sounds pretty close to what I'm experiencing too. Only difference is I don't have much in the way BM urgency....feels more like the pressure backs up and releases in my belly. I guess it's the partial blockage doing that.....we'll see if there's improvement after my first Remicade tomorrow.
Hiya, was diagnosed with crohns and then they said it wasnt and are now trying me on different medicines etc but my pain is in the right side under my ribs sometimes but mostly where my right hip is that sort of spreads to my belly button, can describe it as a nagging dull pain that gets worse and feels like its stabbing
I don´t have a diagnose yet, but I do have inflammation on my terminal ileum, and I feel terrible pains in the lower left side whenever I need to poo. If I touch the place, I can actually feel something stiff inside... I have urgency and terrible D. Depending on what I eat, I feel like someone is twisting my inside. I have a lot of heartburn too, but that is under control now.
Also, that same spot hurts while I poo, a lot. It´s like I´m doing something really violent. Afterwards I get some relief.
porter89xxx said:
..... my pain is in the right side ... but mostly where my right hip is ....

I get that in my right hip, too; can't decide what I think about it, whether it's an arthritic kind of thing or referred from my guts or something with a constricted nerve.

Thank you, I am very grateful that you are all so willing to share your symptoms and experiences. What a great bunch of folks congregate here!! None of this is easy or fun, but I am glad that I found this place, anyway. :)
Christy said:
I get that in my right hip, too; can't decide what I think about it, whether it's an arthritic kind of thing or referred from my guts or something with a constricted nerve.

Thank you, I am very grateful that you are all so willing to share your symptoms and experiences. What a great bunch of folks congregate here!! None of this is easy or fun, but I am glad that I found this place, anyway. :)

We're glad to have you here (although not that you have IBD). Welcome :)
Christy said:
I get that in my right hip, too; can't decide what I think about it, whether it's an arthritic kind of thing or referred from my guts or something with a constricted nerve.

Thank you, I am very grateful that you are all so willing to share your symptoms and experiences. What a great bunch of folks congregate here!! None of this is easy or fun, but I am glad that I found this place, anyway. :)
Welcome to the family.
My pain is best described as a fairly continuous ache and burning in the lower right side. This occasionally changes in intensity from irritating but livable to excruciating requiring 2 vicodin every few hours. The onset of the excruciating pain is slow and builds steadily over a few hours.

I also sometimes get rather bad cramps as well that are quite debilitating and radiate thruout the gut. The cramps come on fast and are unpredictable. Man, if these cramps are what women deal with every month I bow down to you all.
Recently I've been having shooting/stabbing type pain in my right rib cage..not sure if its from the crohns or the cold that I've had...other than that I haven't been having much pain lately! *going to knock on wood now* :)
Only lower back pain for me during the times when my flares are super severe...odd eh, never really any belly pains, thank goodness.

I don't have an official diagnosis yet but the first two episodes last year were severe sharp pains in my upper abdomen which were sharp like a thousand knives trying to work themselves out and followed by deep dull pain and pressure in my lower abdomen. With in a few hours I felt like I was bruised from the inside out.
This bout just start 2 days ago and it once again started with sharp knife like pains in the upper abdomen and seems to generalize all over the place and some pressure pain in the lower abd. I have a lot more D this time. The doctor told me to try 1 extra strength tylenol with 3 advils and it did help a bit. It took the intensity edge off to a slightly more tolerable level. Today I am still in pain but better. I am scheduled for a video endoscopy tomorrow so I am on clears today. I pray for a diagnosis of some type, just hate not knowing.
I currently take Pentasa, (Coreg for blood pressure and lasix. This is new from last week down 18 pounds in water weight :) !
mine is always on my lower right side (which is why i dont have my appenidx anymore lol) it feels like some is garbbing my insides and twisting them...constantly sometimes though its like a really sharp stabby pain. SOmetimes i get pain on my left side but hardly ever
Mines always in the lower right quadrant. Feels like a muscle strain (ie if you have done too many situps). Normally a constant dull pain but when bad I can walk more than half a mile before having to take a rest due to sharp stabbing pains.
if I have it,, mines throughout the stomach, its the gurgling type pain,, like water dripping through ,, rippling of the stomach muscles,, which in a few minutes produces alot of gas, I was so bad last summer that nothing was moving and I was drinking a bottle of citrate a day just to go,,
I have right lower quadrant pain. There is also pain running the length of my scar. A couple of nights ago, the pain spread to my back and I broke out in a sweat. Thankfully that cleared up so I am left with the pain along the scar and right quadrant of the abdomen.
This is interesting. My pain is lower LEFT quadrant. I get pain mostly when I have gas- passing gas has always lifted some of the pain. Its usually a dull pain with sharp peaks over 15 minutes or so when I'm flaring. What I find strange about this is that all my Crohn's is in my ascending colon, on my RIGHT side. The doctor has never been able to explain this.
Hobo..I am envious...the meds seem to work for you...at least for a bit to get you in remission...Grrr...S
I was lucky. I went seven years without any problems and only on Asacol/6-MP. Didn't even see a Dr. for several years.

Unfortunately, I abused it and got myself into the situation I have been in the last 2 years. Hoping to get back to that spot and actually take care of myself this time.
Hobo...probably didn't abused it...Just lived like a regular person :) Anyhow, my stomach feels better...I think things got "hung" up...lots of cramping and not to be gross but thick bm..So, I think I must be swollen or something..I dunno?! Hate this....I bet you will respond to the meds..Sue
I have what I would call overall tenderness - when I had my lovely barium drink Thursday and the Radiologist was running his hand over my belly to get the right x rays it was sore - so it is more just a soreness all over BUT when I was undiagnosed it was a stabbing and very sharp and constant pain in my right lower side and sure enough I had Crohns where most get it - where the large bowel joins the small - as soon as the GI pushed down on that spot I remember I yelled out in agony - Man, I was in such pain for 2 years I am amazed at the level of pain I endured...no one would listen to me - I guess they thought I was nuts...