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Aug 24, 2011
Hi All! I was diagnosed with Crohn's Disease right after my first child was born in 1999. My symptoms and issues with the big D started when I was a teenager. It wasn't till I was an adult that I started getting more help from my doctors. I wish my parents would've taken me to a GI specialist when I was a kid. Lesson learned, I guess. I've since had two more children and find that while pregnant I can eat just about anything! It's a great break! I can enjoy all the food I love with no issues. Unfortunately after each child was born, I had a serious flare up. Sometimes I think I want to be pregnant all the time so I don't have to deal with being sick, but that usually results in more children! :lol:

I am fortunate enough to have a mild case and have never required surgery. My prayers go out to those that have a worse case than I. I can't imagine the pain and suffering!

Currently, I am controlling my CD with Asacol (9 per day) and diet. I've found that small amounts of food more often work well for me. As soon as I notice a food is a trigger, I stay away from it immediately and never go back. I have not had any fast food in over 5 years for example. I've also noticed that as time goes on, certain foods that worked well for me can switch to triggers almost over night! Like eggs for example. I can not touch eggs anymore! Strange! Getting plenty of exercise, sleep and water also help fight D. I don't have time to sit on the toilet all day. I have three children, work full-time and am in nursing school.

I am loving this forum and I'm so glad I stumbled upon it. It's a great resource and a way to talk with people who are having the same issues. People who don't have Crohn's don't understand... Thanks for the support and help! Good luck to all of you.

Here's to good health!
Hi Atberry,
Welcome to the forum!
Glad your current meds are working for you.
I like to say Crohn's, if you don't have it, you probably don't get it! :p
People don't seem to grasp how it affects our lives in so many ways.

I am cautious about declaring any specific food a trigger for myself.
Sometimes I eat what I think is wrong, and feel ok.
Other times I eat what I think is right, and wind up toilet sick.
For me, I'd rather try a 'suspect' food again on another day just to see if the result is the same.
Fast food is dicey at best.

glad you joined us,
be well,
wow 9 Asacol a day. those aren't small either, but glad it's working

I am similar when me and food have issues it's out until further notice even food that i like might only get one more chance.
Hi and welcome! It is so wonderful to hear from a mother of three. My hubby and I want to start a family in the near future, but I do worry if having a child will progress my disease. Although you flared after each, it sounds like you are doing pretty well. And working full time to boot?! You must be super woman!

Diet has been difficult for me lately, as well. When I am doing pretty good, I am not really too limited. To be honest, I THOROUGHLY enjoyed a cruise in May eating my 5 square meals each day. :D But now I am stuck on a low-res diet. And just like you, certain foods are okay one day, but not the next. It's very challenging. I am hoping to feel better soon, as I missed food!!
Hi welcome :)

That is great that your meds are working and keeping you well! Food can be a love/hate relationship at times with this. I know it is for me. Some foods that I feel are safe can still be a painful nightmare soon after. It is like tossing a coin at times. I am glad you found the forum :)
HI Atberry, welcome to the forum i am glad to see the medications are working for you and i am also on Asacol 6 pills a day. along with modulon, dicetel, and domperidone(for nausea). i agree with certain foods effect me and certain foods that don't. i stay clear of the foods that don't especially whole wheat products. it's nice to meet you. see you around the forum. best wises.

Welcome! I'm so glad you found your way here! It sounds like things are going well for you which is great. Do you know what area you want to work in once you become a nurse?

All my best to you :)