I'm so depressed that Crohn's is controlling my life!!!

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Dec 17, 2011
I've been sick for 9 months, have been getting better but seems like every time I think I'll be okay....I end up still not being able to get out much.

*I worked at my newer job from March-October.....started getting sick in April then for months I went to the restroom with diarrhea 10 times a day or more. Stopped going out after work. (At work there was no restroom, had to walk down hall to other building, a restaurant bathroom). That was a job where I FINALLY got $8 an hour and could of made close to $13k for the FIRST TIME IN MY LIFE and I got fired! Most other jobs I made $6-9k even if it was full time!!!! :(
*Then the docs thought I had colitis then I was FIRED in October because of my diagnosis of Crohns! I'm poor and sick and asked to work from home and the boss denied me. A girl who got rich off of a dead person moved to florida and was allowed to work from home with my SAME JOB just because she wanted "something to do" even though she became rich.
*I have food stamps but welfare denied cash assistance because I'm childless!
*Food stamps don't pay bills, was worried for awhile about going homeless because I have no family to help. Now a charity is paying my way along with some friends Thank GOD! Just hope when I need rent I get the help from people.
*Unemployment denied me because of my inability to accept jobs because of my illness.
*Dissability denied me twice but are supposed to accept it in a few months hopefully, it's already been 3 months of waiting for it!
*I HAD TO QUIT COLLEGE! 2 classes away from having my medical transcription job where I could WORK FROM HOME which is what I need but can't go sit in a 4 hour class once a week :( cuz of my symptoms.
*For my treatment I've only been on "Lialda" 2x a day 1.2 grams each but I feel I need some more medicine to get **** under control :(
*Haven't seen most friends in over 6-8 months.
*I sit at home crying a lot
*I get exhausted from going anywhere for 20 minutes or more!!!!!! I do nothing and I get exhausted!
*always feel gassy and bloated except for good days.
*I can't go out with friends because of no money and because of my symptoms.....I make rare public appearances with friends.
*My wish is to make it through a whole movie at a movie theatre one day, to be able to take long walks without having to use the restroom, and to do normal things again.

I'm so sorry you're having a rough time right now. I don't have the financial burdens on me like you do, but I know how you feel about being so sick and tired all of the time and not able to do anything. I'm managing to keep both jobs I have. Not sure how, but I've been making it through, but its really hard.

I really hope that things start to take a turn for the better for you soon!!! lots of hugs. hang in there!
I am so sorry about all this. Have you considered applying for SSI or SSDI? Also, with social security disability insurance, you can get on medicare after a waiting period, so you'd have pretty decent health insurance, and places don't deny medicare the way they do medicaid.
I'm in the same situation though not financially I have no social life constantly feel gassy/bloated and can't go out due to pain and needing the toilet most of the time.

I was an avid outdoors man before crohn's robbed me of that I just want to go fishing and camping again.
Go to: http://www.ccfa.org

Scroll further down and you will see this:

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The rest is up to you to get the information you need. good luck.
Hi, thats my life too although i'm in britain and find it a little easier to get my meds etc. yet all i want, like so many here, is just some semblence of normality in life. oh, to be able to go somewhere without being totally exhausted, needing the loo, joint pain and some energy to enjoy being somewhere other than in my loo.

a great new year with much better health to all of us stuck home and ill.

luv you all for being here, cos we all need to vent.

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