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I was on 150 mg of Imuran 20years ago and it gave me severe (aplastic?) anaemia so we stopped it altogether and later restarted on 50mg. I think I was on it for about 2 years but never thought it did much. Noticed no difference when I did stop taking it.

I've recently re-started Aza at 50mg and now 100mg since a few weeks and I'm not sure I'm tolerating it well.

Every time I get up from a chair I need to sit down just as quickly and it takes a while to get my bearings back. I've had this before but always thought it was due to low blood pressure. I don't think I've got low blood pressure atm and I've now read that that can also be due to anaemia. I'm already on iron pills as my HB was 95 which has now gone up to 103. I get weekly bloods and my  HCT, RCC, [wiki2="Platelets"]platelets[/wiki2], total white count, neutrophils, CRP and lymphocytes are also out of normal range so I guess it could be a range of things.......

Anyway my question is if being very wobbly every time I get up could be due to anaemia?
