Someone wrote that they were on one whole pill? I was put on 2 and a half! (150g) The first couple days I had some nausea, however that cleared up thank god and my body got used to the Imuran. Your doctor should advise you to start small, as small as half a tablet and then work your way up to the full dose and the side effects will hit you less hard this way.
The only other side effect I have experience is a lot of hair loss and thinning which was really distressing to me, luckily I have a Gastroenterologist who cares about me and my symptoms and he acted straight away when i expressed my worry about the hair loss and he put me down to 50g of Imuran and within a week I noticed a massive difference in my hair.
Now to the good part, so far the drug has seemed to keep me from flaring (Paired with Pentasa sachets) even right now I am going through exams and feeling stressed, I haven't flared at all, so it seems to be helping!
Just a warning as unfortunately I heard about a man dying because the doctors did not test for this and it should be a standard thing before anybody goes on Imuran. Do a blood test for TPMT enzyme, if you have a deficiency in this your body won't be able to handle the Imuran and therefore not a drug to take. As for the general blood tests, I have to do it too and yeah it sucks but it lasts 30 seconds, just remember to breath and think about something else, eventually the tests should be spaced about once every 4 weeks.
Good luck
hope that helped.