In alot of pain

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Oct 15, 2010
in alot of pain

before i start some letters on my keyboard are not workin at all so you may ave to uess some words lol
ones not workin are next to f and 1 after f, i cant type tem obviously lol

well i decided to ave a drink last nit wiv my usband and ad vodka an coke on te advice of a fellow crons sufferer.

ive been so ill today my pain as been unbearable alon wit really really bad acid diarrea , it burns so bad and is brit yellow !!!!
not only does it burn on exit but wile it was inside aswell .
ten i started feelin sick and up came brit red blood !! no actual food or liquid oter tan blood.

i avent drunk alcool since new year an ten it was only 1 lass of wine .

wow i feel soooooooooo awful and not too sure y!!!
coild it be te stricture and ulcers tey found in my small bowelor because im not on any medication for crons yet ?
anyone else been tis bad after drinkin?
and wats wit te blood?
i know i ave no stomac ulcers or at least i didnt ave

i wanted to pone my doc but just my luck its a bank oliday weekend wen im ill tis always appens to me !!

jen xx
Goodness Jen, if you hadn't said you were having problems w/your keyboard I would have thought you were drunk writing... Poor you!!! Never a good sign when you are excreting blood; you need to call the doc... isn't there anyone on call?
I went on a "bender" in January drinking, of all things, tequila sunrise... I threw and threw but I knew it was the tequila (and the cherry...) ick, ick, ick...
Please consider calling a doc. Good luck!
:) Jan
You still have the cam stuck in you??? My insurance would charge me for it!
lol bloody keyboard !!!
as far as im aware i still ave te pill cam stuck , i cant c it still bein in tere lol
none of my docs work weekends or anytin so ill wait it out for tuesday an ive tem a call if i make it tat lon lol!!!
i know sometin isnt rit so i tink its about time i ot on to tem and ot myself sorted for once.
tanks for te reply
jen xxx
Hi Jen- just my opinion, BUT if your vomitting blood it's really not a good sign hun. Can you get to A&E and at least get checked over? Your Gastro team should have at least some registrars on call over this weekend, and should come to A&E to see you.
Good luck, and hoping you get to the bottom of this soon.
And x
If blood came out of your mouth then you should go to the ER, that's what a phone call to a doc would recommend. Just go there. You don't want it to turn into a infection and something more with what you put into your body. Sounds like that drinking was the cause, and its not recommended to drink when you have IBD. I now drink those simnoff or similar juices with alcohol in it once again and haven't notice any problems.
well i decided to ave a drink last nit wiv my usband and ad vodka an coke on te advice of a fellow crons sufferer.

Why would he say that though ><, I don't understand that. Alcohol and soda = 2 worst drinks for crohn patients. I always drink tea or water when I go out.
I would go to the Emergency Room and get checked out. Please let us know how you make out...will be thinking about you.
Yes, I agree. If "stuff" other than "normal stuff" that should be coming back up is coming back up you should definitely go and get checked out, even if it means going to the emergency room(which I know none of us on this board like going to). If it is just diarrhea coming out the other end it could just be from drinking. Alcohol works like a laxitive even for people without IBD so you can imagine how bad it is for us suffers, about 10 fold. If there is a bit of blood coming out the bottom I wouldn't be too worried. Just see your doctor and mention it to him/her. It could just be your bowel's way of saying it's not a fan of booze. Good luck! Keep us posted! Hope you feel better soon! :)
I need to clear this up a bit....

I'm on my iPhone now my laptop is winding me right up !!!

The blood came out of my mouth , and it was pretty minimal but I still screamed my husband an showed him , he wasn't too concerned saying I've just torn something yet I didn't wretch for it to come up now I think of it!!

I wantedto call out of hours last night but it's an 0845 no not included in my contract an ihave no home phone, my luck an timing are not great yet again!!
I got no sleep from the pain a d all night an I still feel awful so I gotta use someone elses phone to call the out of hours doc ( I'm on 30 day rolling contract I can't go over to call it)
Or put money on here an call them but I have todo it today I can't cope with this **** no more !!
Or can one of my friends or family call on my behalf so I don't have to go out ? I'm really not up to it ATM , especially dragging 2 kids wiv me .
The friend who suggeted the vodka an coke is a woman in my hubbys work his boss actually who is about 50 an says she has crohns an it's the best to drink !!
Now I don't drink at all ever any more even at Xmas it was just 1 glass of wine full of lemonade so I didn't look stupid ! But we didn't have the kids which is very rare !!! So we went to the cinema came home an had a few drinks .
I regret taking her advice sooo badly now, maybe she doesn't really have crohns ??
I'm miserable, exhausted an feel plain awful, for what a few f ing vodkas !!!
Is there any other way of contacting out of hours without an 0845 no???

Either way I'm sure I'll b admitted so I will make sure I use my phone to update u all
Thanxs all so much XX

Jen XX
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I think there is an entire thread here on drinking and what people drink. I will have a glass or two of alcohol but I would never suggest anyone else do it. Everyone is different and we are all in different stages of this disease. My doctor told me it was ok once in a while and I had another doctor tell me never so...for me it stops my D (must calm down my system or something) but then the next day my D is worse so...I save it for special occasions. Keep in mind if you have a friend or relative call for you - I am not sure where you are but here we have laws that forbid them from giving any medical info out to anyone. They are just going to tell them to have you call yourself or go to the ER. At least here...that is what they would do.

Take care and good luck. Keep us posted.
Well I put credit on an called the out of hours gp.

I've got an app at 4:10 to c an out of hours doc at a local hospital an managed to get a baby sitter for my kids so I shall update u all from there .
Jen XX

You very well might have a stomach ulcer and not know it. About 4-5 years before I was diagnosed I had my first big flare. Two weeks before this flare I decided to have a glass of Cabernet and after my third or 4th sip I had to vomit because I later found out I had a stomach ulcer. I might have thrown up blood but the wine was dark red and I drank it on a pretty much empty stomach.

I agree with what everyone else has been saying---It appears that you are in bad shape and I hope you decide to go see your doctor.

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