Hi Jenn, I can see that you are hurting greatly and feel very alone. I often feel as though I am being held captive to a disease that has control over me no matter how hard I try. Whats worse is that it can come on so quickly and get so bad so fast. BUT It can also get better so fast. I was just in the ER twice, second time they kept me there. Just know you are in good care, hey no cleaning or cooking or chores. Have people visit you and bring your treats that you can eat. Watch tv or read. I journal that helps. I wish I could tell u one thing that would give you hope or take away the lonliness and fear. I have kids and a husband and lately have been in bed for majority of the day but I have learned to do what I can and be satisfied for we haven't control other then to get better. I used to beat myself, feel like a horrible mom and wife and get really down. This time I am not going to do that. You be good to yourself to honey. You will get through this. I like this saying. You never know how strong you are until being strong is your only choice. Remember they can't do anything with your permission. When I was in the hospital they wanted to do crazy stuff like insert a needle into abdomen, I asked why? They said its to help you not get blood clots lying in bed. I just got admitted? SO HECK NO. They didnt..turned out it was an error doc forgot to remove on the list. so advocate, stay strong, stay full of hope. I will pray for you my friend. You are not alone! :hug: