In hospital :(

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Mar 26, 2010
in hospital :(

soo im in hosp, ill apologise now 4 spelling etc.. im on the hosp tv comp thing
anyway, got put in yday, on hydrocorti??? thing (steroids thro an iv) but because its easter im stuck until tues to speak 2 my consultant. still in pain, was wondrin if ne 1s been in on this and 'cant go'. i keep gettin the urges and pain, but no movemet!! im eatin better now which is nice! hopeffully will be discussin a bag as most docs keep askin where my crohns is. i just wat to get it sorted now :( i have no life!! and i cant eat choc and its easter....very unhappy :( lol tryin 2 stay happy but its hard when ur ill, try a new med, get happy as it starts workin thenn bam..... stops and ur back 2 square 1. hope every1 is k and having a nice easter.

aw Vicky, sorry to hear you're in hospital.. i was wondering how you were..

great timing, huh? i was in over xmas one time, and it was the same thing... no-one was around until after the holiday period. at least you can get some rest while you're there.. are you ok to walk around a bit? that might help your bowels get moving a bit.

i hope you do get some positive action when the surgeon's back on the ward to talk to you... please just let us know if you want to share any questions or worries - we'll do our best to help. good luck!
Hey vicky

sorry to hear ya in hospital, it's never fun in there

I've been on hydrocortisone iv a few times, much stronger than prednisone it wil take a little while to kick in but by the second or third day you will/should notice a difference

as for some pain relief while ya there til the hydrocortisone kicks in

good luck
Awe Vicky, so sorry, I was in the hospital mid February, and a IV of steroids and Flagyl and Cipro. Nasty gastro bug, and IBS inflamming my left side. I was in for 3 days and if you want to get better, rest!! The body needs rest to heal. If surgery is an option it maybe for you. I know exactly how you feel but you are in the right place to be for now. It sucks during any holiday just know we are all here for ya and sending you get well healing hugs! Keep us updated.
Hi Vicky

Aw I'm sorry you're in hospital over Easter, being Bank Hol makes it harder to see the docs sometimes :(.

I hope the IV treatment kicks in soon and does it's job, it's a long time since I had it but remember it doing the trick with my UC.

Let us know what the docs say, keep your chin up luv.

Lyndsey x
Aw Vicky sweetie
this is a bummer over Easter, but the IV hydrocortisone is THE business!
I was in hosp in January for a week so know how you feel, and I had the IV steroids too, they are brill for the pain, ask for codeine phosphate too, they will relax you and take away pain too, help you to sleep as well.
Let us know how you get on on Tuesday, thinking of you, chin up, you'll get some answers soon
lotsa luv
Joan xxx
Hang in there Vicky. Forget about Easter and just focus on resting and getting better. Even Jesus rested for three days before he was up and around again!

If you are having pain meds, they are probably backing you up so make sure you tell the nurse and they should give you some stool softener or something.

I hope the meds bring you relief quickly.

Take are of yourself and try to keep your chin up. I'm sure there will be a chocolate bunny or two for you when you get out!

I hope you finally get some direction. It will be nice when you know what is happening and you can look forward to something with promise. I hope you get some relief really soon.
Even Jesus rested......

Amy! I have to say, that is LAUGH OUT LOUD FUNNY babe (good point tho)
Hang in there Lady! I am in the hospital for Easter too!:) I have been in the hospital since Thursday. I am getting strong doses of steriods throw my IV too. I think I am responding to all the meds but I have had a lot of pain so they have been giving me a morphine type drug.

Why were you admitted? Do you have an obstruction? Thats what I have, but I don't believe I will need surgery, just a lot of rest, liquids and drugs. Either way I have very narrow areas in my ileum and I am afraid that one day I will have to have parts removed.

Are you responding the to drugs they are giving you?

I hope you feel better and get out of the hospital soon. Don't get too down though, there will be better days ahead:) Good luck!
Vicky and Fateful, I am sorry that you are in the hospital. Everyone is right about the resting. Think of Easter as a day of Healing. You are both in our thoughts and wishing for a speedy recovery.
Sorry you're going through this. Hopefully you're out soon and can get to that chocolate. Keep us in the loop!
Hi all, quick update.
I discharged myself on Tuesday. Couldn't handle it in there as I though going in with my flare, I'd see my Consultant and get things moving towards an improvement, I was wrong!! I got put in the wrong wards, got taken off the IV steriod and put on 100mg Pred a day by a respitory doc??! after 4 days, to them trying to put me back on IV steriods again for another 5 days, to see if it would work again?? No thank you, I'd rather do it myself at home on my Pred!! Anyway, turns out I was in there to look at the flare, then they were just going to pack me off when my bloods were fine and keep me on the Humira until I flare again which will be soon, though i'm still not out of this one yet!! :(... Soo another Doc is supposed to be ringing me on the 30th April to see how I'm doing, and I'm supposed to be seeing my Consultant in 2-4weeks to discuss my Crohn's. It's annoying as I just want to talk to someone now and say look... It's not working... Nothing is working!! I've tried everything and I mean everything in 3 years. I react to meds badly and quickly so I know near enough straight off whether it will work or not. I had a bad flare in August and it took the Docs until Dec/Jan to even get to sorting that one, I've had this one now since the beguinning of March.. I feel as though my whole life is on hold. I said to the doc that I saw, I'm not being nasty and I'm not telling you how to do your job BUT whether its 6 days, 6 weeks or 6 years I can see myself with no insides!! So just take them out now so I can get used to living life with a stoma, rather than dragging it out and waiting... I would also like to talk about the stem cell thing but I doubt my doc will go for it as we haven't heard to much about it around here. Ahhh I just wish it would all go away!! And on top of it all my joints are playing up something awful, nearly didn't make it to the loo this morning as I couldn't move as I thought my legs were going to break under me when I moved, let alone stood up!! Yet another thing to moan about to the doc! Sorry about the rant but I've reached that point where you just feel like if anything else goes wrong I'm just going to snap in half and never be whole again!! I just want my life back... Is that so hard?? I'm unlike any other 20 year old I know, I mean I'm usually so upbeat about this, I'm usually like come on world, give me what you got, I can take it!! But now i just want to curl up in a ball in my bed and never move again. I think the Pred is having the effect on this too, but even still, I just wanna cry!! It's not good my friends... Thank you for letting me rant, I don't know what I would do without the support I get off of here! Your all wonderful people and it is greatly appreciated!!!!
All my love and hope everyone is feeling better!!!
Aw. Sometimes crying is a good thing. Pred can make the most optimistic person feel terrible. I hope you get some surgery or something soon. Keep squeaking!
I agree keep squeaking to your doctors. You've heard the old saying the squeaky wheel gets the oil well if you keep on them something will come of it dont give up keep plugging. I pray for you and hope you get the relief you need soon. Mind over body. Spirit over mind. You can do this.
I feel your pain i spent Easter in the hospital too!! And I had great plans to go to church, go to the lake for a picnic w/ family and friends then chill on my parents new boat. But Thurs morn my gut had other plans! The sharp stabbing feeling like you have swallowed razor blades pain came bd been gone for quitack(which had been gone for quite some time!) Went to ER thinkinging I would get to go home after they ran a few tests. Nope they kept me til sun night ,i got to eat the yummy gourmet chicken broth and ice chips. Im allergic to most pain meds so they gave me demorol which helped the first night w/ the gut pains. They also started me on high doses of flagyl and levaquin which i think really helped. Keep your head up and there will be brighter days ahead:)
Hi Vik

Poor you, this is so hard for you, but I do know how you feel
I am, however, apalled that the doctors are treating you like this, and not really listening. Been there, done that!
It is your right to chose where you have treatment, if this was happening to me, (and in actual fact, it did!) I would go back to my GP, and ask for a referral to a different hospital, and a second opinion or, failing that, go private and bill your doc! (this is possible)
wishing you well, hoping you get some inner peace too
Joan xxx