Infliximab or Humira?

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May 8, 2012
Since my flare up just over a week ago, I've seen my consultant who has advised me to start a course of either Infliximab or Humira. Now I know that they are basically the same other than Infliximab is a infusion at hospital and Humira is an injection which you administer yourself. My gut instinct is leaning more towards the infusion. Just prefer the idea of being in hospital should anything untoward happen, and also what if Humira pen malfunctions or I don't get it right! But then is it better to have short bursts of a drug rather than large dose with infusion.. Really confused and don't know whether I'm just over complicating things. The nurse called today and she was lovely, had a really good chat and she explained both options really well. Am going to hospital tomorrow to have bloods done and have a look at pen before making my mind up.. Am I blowing this all out of proportion or has anyone had similar dilemma? Thanks xxxZ
I have been on both drugs but wasn't given the option of which one to have first these are my experiences. I started with infliximab and I am glad I did for me this worked really quickly and got me to almost feeling normal after a couple of infusions. I was on this for a year until it started losing its effectiveness and then I had a severe alergic reaction. I then moved onto humira it was more convieniant not havin to sit in the hospital but it didn't work as well for me as the infliximab. I had to have my injections increased to weekly and then I also started having reactions to this too after around a year. The injections themselves are really easy to administer. I had a couple of occasions where I missed but this was because of the loud clicking noise the pen made would make me jump and press the button when it wasn't pressed down firmly enough, apart from that and the stinging of the injection it is easy.
I hope whichever one you chose gives you a long remmision x
If I was given the choice, I would probably go with Infliximab as the data I have read has been a little bit better. But in the end, they're both pretty darn good medications and I'm sure you're going to be feeling much better soon :)
Thanks for sharing your experience KayleighMeek. My consultant did mention that if I tried Infliximab first and it did not work or didn't agree then it was possible that the Humira would, but if I tried the Humira first and it didn't agree then it was unlikely that the Infliximab would work. Hope you have found something that has worked for you since?

Thank you too David. I think I have pretty much made up my mind, I didn't realize before speaking to the consultant that the Humira was the injection form of Infliximab (or near as)so I had read up on Infliximab and feel more comfortable trying that one first. I guess it's all just trial and error at the end of the day.. Got my MRI on Friday too, so should hopefully find anything going on the oughtn't to be!
Humira is definitely not the injection form of Infliximab. While they are both under the biologic category, there are major differences.

Either way though, I wish you all the best with whichever choice you make :)
Okay, thanks for clarifying David, I will read up on Humira some more and be sure to ask lots of questions tomorrow! Will update once have started my treatment X thanks for the advice :)
Hi guys, was due to start my Infliximab treatment on 5th April but quantiferon blood test showed me positive for latent TB.. So starting 3 month treatment of Rifampicin and Isoniazid to clear the TB infection before I start the Infliximab. Being assured that there is no risk of infection to anyone else as the TB is inactive. Had a chest x-ray to confirm chest is clear also. One of the side effects of Rifampicin is it turns your wee, sputum, tears orangey-red. I think I can live with that :) definitely better than the risk of the infection turning active..anyone else had this treatment? Thanks.. Zx