Iron Tablet Trauma?

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Apr 26, 2012
Me again,
So I went to the Doctors today for some Blood Test results, turns out my Iron level is very very low, they knew it was low a few months ago, because they asked me to continuously take my contraceptive pill so that I wouldn't have a Period and make my Iron levels even lower (which I am still doing)

Anyway, it has dropped since then so now they have prescribed me 'Ferrous Fumarate 305mg Take two, twice a day'
Now I do know that with Iron tablets there is a danger of constipation, and I am taking a very large amount of the Iron tablet to boost me back up.
But, I am worried because at the moment while I am still poorly about an hour after eating a meal I start to get pains in my stomach which get progressively worse as time elapses, which is instantly relieved by going to the loo.
Now I am worried because if I do get constipated what if I get these pains and I can't relieve myself and relieve the pain? As I have had the dreaded D for so long I don't know if my Bowel could cope with a 'Solid One'

Sorry for all the nastiness involved in this post I just wondered if anyone else had been on Iron and had any advice or knew of any info worth telling with regards to this. Don't forget I'm a new Crohnie so I'm a bit useless still as far as subject knowledge is concerned :)
Hi Holly..

welcome first of all :)

you could always take a teaspoon of epsom salts dissolved in water at the first signs of being bunged up.. if it's not enough you can take two.. works a treat! and even better is your bowel doesn't come to rely on it which is very important. prevention is better than a cure! :)
I didnt have much of a problem with those iron tablets. I was in a bad flare at the time so most of the constipation was due to the inflammation. I guess if it does cause trouble you can go down to 1 tablet for a couple of days.

The most important thing is to get your iron up so i'd think try them 1st and see how you go, if its too bad then see your doc again to try something else (there are iron infusion that can be had)
Make them give you an iron infusion or iron injection..
I know from experience how painful these tablets can be the doctors are also aware of this and the infusion is a much more pain free faster way
Is it worth taking the tablets that I have at all or going straight back and enquiring about this infusion? I've only taken 2 this morning, due more at about tea time. Is it worth trying them for a week or so?
I think it is worth trying them.. much nicer and less invasive option imo.. and you don't yet know how your body will react to them. :)
That's true, and like you said I suppose if I do have any nasty reactions I can just lower the dose and see if that does anything because even the doctor said that it is a high dose.
I am just worried that if I do get constipation after having the big D for so long it could cause more complications, and I want to feel better and prevent anything else happening that can be avoided.
Yeh try them and see, they may work great for you. Its a bit hard going to the docs and saying you cant get on with the tablets if you havent tried them. They will most pprob send you back to have a go with them for a week or two anyway
If you do find there still causing you problems after a couple of days remember there is other options that won't cause your stomach any problems infusion takes 2hrs and that's your levels completely topped up injection is once a week for a month approx
Hey . . . .
I can't be given infusions or injections because of other blood results apparently. My iron was real low but I started taking a liquid stuff . . . It's not on prescription but you can get it in TESCOs. Part of the problem with normal tablets is you can only absorb 5-10% of the iron in them, this liquid you can absorb up to 40%. I also find iron tabs give me a bit of IBS, and a nasty tummy but this liquid 'spatone' is much easier on my tummy!! Also I'm 100% better in myself after taking them!
Hope you get some relief soon :)
Hey . . . .
I can't be given infusions or injections because of other blood results apparently. My iron was real low but I started taking a liquid stuff . . . It's not on prescription but you can get it in TESCOs. Part of the problem with normal tablets is you can only absorb 5-10% of the iron in them, this liquid you can absorb up to 40%. I also find iron tabs give me a bit of IBS, and a nasty tummy but this liquid 'spatone' is much easier on my tummy!! Also I'm 100% better in myself after taking them!
Hope you get some relief soon :)

iv not tried these but looks very intresting im a big fan of liquid medication with crohns this i think would be a good suplement for quite a few people