NICE still working on new guidance for crohns. Currently no guidance on cimzia that is published that I can find. Cuurently NICE have recomendations for use of infliximab and adalimumab here-,
The new guidance expected as below..looks like end 2012/early 2013! This will probably refer to the use of cimzia .Great isn't it !
I have just copied and pasted this schedule from NICE -:
Provisional schedule
Scoping workshop: 15 April 2010
Consultation on draft scope with stakeholders: 19 May 2010 - 16 June 2010
Consultation on draft guideline with stakeholders: 3 May 2012 - 28 June 2012
Pre-publication check: 25 September 2012 - 16 October 2012
Publication date: TBC
Project history
Date Update
16 June 2010 The scope defines what aspects of care are covered by the guideline and to whom it applies. Comments that were made by stakeholders during the consultation on the scope can be seen in the scope consultation table.The Guideline Development Group (GDG) oversees the development process.
The NCCs may make a focussed call for evidence on specific clinical questions or subquestions, after it has done initial searches. It will be able to make a call at any point during development of the guideline, and stakeholders will usually be given 4 weeks to respond. The NCC will approach all registered stakeholders for this evidence. The NCC may not issue any calls for evidence for a guideline if the Guideline Development Group (GDG) feels it is not necessary. In addition, the NCCs will accept relevant confidential data for consideration by the GDG
Development of the clinical guideline is under way and is being led by the National Collaborating Centre. The Guideline Development Group meets regularly to oversee and assist the identification, review and synthesis of the evidence, the incorporation of expert consensus opinion and the translation of the evidence into recommendations for practice and audit criteria. Two versions of the guideline are under preparation: a full guideline and a NICE short-form guideline. Please see timescales above for dates of consultation with stakeholders.
Key documents
Crohn's disease: scoping workshop, consultation and final scope 31 August 2010
Crohn's disease: remit 17 August 2009
Crohn's disease: stakeholder list and how to register 12 December 2009
Crohn's disease: guideline development and consultation 29 December 2009
The Guideline Development Process - An overview for Stakeholders, the Public and the NHS 29 December 2009
This page was last updated: 06 December 2010