Is Humira good for fistulas?

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Nov 28, 2009
I just don't get this. Im really not having much pain anymore. Do I still start the Humira because of my fistula. My GI better be right that she saw a fistula.

What's the alternative? Do nothing and hope for the best? Take meds that won't help if you have a fistula?


Do you give both the Humira and your GI a chance to help you?


If you feel strongly that, at this particular moment, Humira is not the right med for you, go with your gut feeling. Your body, your choice.

Either way, I wish you healthy and happy healing!:)
Good luck, Mary. Only you can decide what is right for you. IMO, I think it's worth giving the Humira a chance to help with the fistula and for long term remission.


It's your choice, but from all I read the biologics like Humira do seem to be a good way of closing a fistula and having a good period in remision. I'm certainly hoping that it's going to work for me. Six years of pain, being unable to sit for any lenght of time and limping around like an old man was enough to convince me to try it!

Good luck whatever your decision.

Agreed with what everyone else said.

Also, don't let pain alone be an indicator of disease severity. There are people who experience NO physical symptoms and they've got it worse than some people who experience severe physical symptoms.

Also...even when I knew I had a fistula I had periods of no symptoms and then they came back full force. And that was when I was on medication that was treating it. If it's not treated properly and early on, you could just be allowing more damage to go on that could lead to worsening condition and more pain, not to mention a more difficult time getting things back under control.

It is your decision Mary, but I know you've also mentioned you have health anxiety. Don't let that affect your decisions and keep you from truly getting your health back. :)

If you truly doubt your GI (have you had any other reason to doubt them up until this point?), then seek a 2nd opinion. Take your CT scan/MRI and show another doctor. See if they see fistulas too. I find the best way to combat anxiety is to arm myself with the facts. Too many what-ifs drive a person crazy. Read up on medication side effects, but don't disregard all the success stories. Question your doctor, seek out 2nd (or 3rd!) opinions, but then don't discard their advice. :)
Im gonna do it no matter what. I just feel better than I did so I wasn't sure. But I know Marisa you are right about having no symptoms to BAM what just happened!!!