I'm virtually a virgin at this, lol. I've been diagnosed with Crohn's and UC for two years or so. I'm a science guy, having gone to medical school for a couple of years until I decided that's not what I wanted to do with my life. Having said that, I still read everything I can get my hands on about medicine.
When I first presented to my gastroenterologist, my diarrhea and pain was off the charts. He took one look at the film from the colonoscopy and said, "I'm putting you on Humira immediately." (the gentleman who did the colonoscopy in another town had put me on prednisone and something else that was worthless.) I CRINGED. All I could hear was the television commercial (and I embellish here) "if you've died as a result of taking Humira, call 1-800-BAD DRUG now!!" Well, not exactly the correct wording, but close. I'm 60 now, and yes, I'm frightened of the "what ifs?" I didn't respond to the initial dose of one shot per week, so two weeks ago, after having a Prometheus lab study, I was told to take a shot every week. Of course everything I get, from a hangnail to a bad hair day I blame on the Humira. "I'm eaten up with cancer...I have a tumor the size of a basketball in my brain...." You get the picture.
But, not to worry. You will be monitored very well. Anything you tell your "Humira Ambassador" will be duly noted, and you will have the opportunity to talk with a pharmacist every time you order. That's the way mine works. And of course you have your doctor. I am certain they do not take anything unusual that you might report lightly. They are extremely well versed in the side effects of a biologic drug.
I have to make light of it all. Otherwise, I think I'd lose my mind. I hope you don't take offense at it. Good luck to you. And oh, I take mine out of the refrigerator the night before and put it in the cabinet (where the cat won't play with it during the night). This way it gets room temperature and doesn't burn as badly going in (plus I've decided the left side of my belly seems devoid of nerves, so that's where I do it every time). I wish you good luck and keep us informed.