Is it crohns? worse? nothing? HELP

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Aug 12, 2012
Started off with symptoms of EXTREME FATIGUE I've never had before...
and constapation which usuay me going 2-3. Days on average without a movement. And arthritis along with really bad sweating are se more I deal with now.

So my blood tests were off the charts for crohns, so of course we did a colonoscopy which came back with no sign of anything but an hernia .in my chest

The specialist never spoke to me before or after the surgery, for me it was like nothing happened. I'm like really depressed that they didn't talk to me. Their treatment plan for me is drink 2 ensure a day u be okay. But I was doing this.pre surgery.

Don't get me wrong, I'm glad that they didn't find anything ... but at the same time I'm not because now they want to put some camera pill inside of me which sounds so high tech it must cost like a million or so which we don't have. So I'm stuck here wondering if I actually have crohns because the ******* specialist said that he would be able to tell me after the surgery... its just dumb. I feel like I would of been better of spending the 500 on medical bills on food and weed or hell anything besides that pointless nonsense

My problem was that I weighed 100 pounds at age 17 when I was supposed to weigh at least 130. Supposobly I have the hands of an 18 year old so. I'm not going to have much more devolpment. sign of crohns? I know I probably don't got it as bad as some of you others right now since I only started having symptoms 2 months ago... but I'm scared... angry... and very annoyed...

Sorry for the horrible typing I'm on my phone... do you think I have crohns?
Hi there drama.

You sound pretty stressed out by all this. Can you tell us a little more about yourself like where you live (country/continent) and how old you are?

Your description makes it sound like you are pretty skinny and maybe shorter/smaller than you should be for your age? Unfortunately, that's not unusual for guys who have had Crohn's since they were kids/. You may have had Crohn's for a while because Crohn's doesn't always show a lot of symptoms at first.

In terms of the tests. What you are describing seems like the usual process for diagnosing Crohn's but I can imagine it must be very upsetting to be kept in the dark like that by the gastroenterologist (specialist).

It might help you to know a little about the parts of the gut so you can understand why they want to do the pill cam.

The intestines has two parts. The upper part is called the small intestine and the lower part is called the colon or large intestine. A colonoscopy can only look at the colon. An endoscopy is kind of like a colonoscopy but they go down from the top and look at the very beginning of the small intestines where it joins the stomach. It sounds like you had both of these done and the colon looked good but you had a hernia probably near your stomach.

Most of the small intestine can't be examined by scope. It can't be reached and it's usually about 22 feet or 7 meters long. That's a lot of intestines and it is often the place where the Crohn's can be the worst.

A pill camera is a biggish pill that has a camera on one end and a little light on the other end. You swallow it and it takes pictures of your small intestines as it moves through them just like the food you eat would do. It lets your specialist figure out if that part of your intestines is OK or not.

Did you ask the specialist what difference doing the pill cam will make in your treatment?

When you talk to the specialist about your treatment you might want to use this acronym to help you.

B - Benefits (what are the Benefits of the treatment)

R - Risks (what are the Risks of the treatment)

A - Alternatives (what are the Alternatives or other options to the treatment)

N - Nothing (what happens if we do Nothing?)

D - Decide (make a decision, even if the decision is to do nothing)

Hope you feel better soon.