Is there a difference between treatment for Crohn's and UC?

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Aug 21, 2014
...between the treatment of crohns, and the treatment of ulcerative colitis?
As I understand it, both are autoimmune diseases, and as far as I'm aware (and admittedly I'm very new to all this so may have got hold of the wrong end of the stick) treatment during a flare is the same/similar, as is ongoing treatment to keep it all damped down.
If I've got it wrong, then what is the different in treatment between the two?
Thanks :)
Bunty x
They are sister diseases that manifest differently. We can use the same drugs when it comes to antibiotics, immunomodulators, steroids and biologics but the 5-ASA mesalamine drugs which can be very beneficial in UC generally is very mild and sometimes useless in crohns. Mostly the therapies work for both conditions with that class being the exception.
To follow on from nogutsnoglory, I understand the basic reason for5-ASA not working well for Crohn's is the amount of time and effect it can have on the affected parts of the small intestine vs. colon. Or in other words, it helps with inflammation in the colon, especially the later parts of it, but not in the small intestine. 5-ASA drugs such as Pentasa are also not licensed for Crohn's use, all use is off-label.

The other differences are that some biologics are not licensed for UC but Crohn's and vice versa.

Lastly, you could label a complete resection of the colon for UC patients a "cure" but personally I think saying that is a bit odd.
My kid played on both sides of the diagnosis of IBD, flipping and flopping at times. Her last flip flop was done by her current GI just to get an approval for a med not approved for crohns and only UC. You can see by my signature there is barely a med she hasn't tried.

The only time I ever felt it made much of a difference of what she has is when we talk surgery. Then it really does make the difference because jpouches are rarely done for someone with crohns.