It's all a bit poop, if you pardon the pun...

Crohn's Disease Forum

Help Support Crohn's Disease Forum:

May 24, 2012
Hey all, hope you are well.

Rant time.

So I'm STILL waiting on even getting a date for my IGAP Flap surgery which is a follow up to my proctocolectomy I had all those months ago.

And while I've been waiting my Crohn's has gotten horribly active and out of control. My IBD nurse was meant to move my appointment forward to next week so as to get me on some kind of Crohn's meds as I'm not at the minute but I tried calling today and a) she's on leave and b) there's no record of it being moved forward as of yet.

I'm getting worse & I know I am, my iron levels are horrible low & the tablets are only helping so much, I've also got two ulcers around my stoma which are, (here comes the graphic stuff) leaking pus and I'm fairly sure one is getting itself into a little state of next stop abscess, despite just completing a course of antibiotics.

Catch 22 as I can't take immunosuppressants before surgery but can't have surgery if I'm this unwell anyway!

What a bleedin' nightmare!
You poor thing :-( I'm so sorry you're feeling like this and you must be very frustrated at the delays. Would it be worth seeing if you can get through to your GI's office?
I am a tad frustrated but after I'd written this post by some sort of miracle the hospital called me back! Appointment Tuesday so hopefully I can get things headed the right way!

Thank you for the support :) x