It's always something

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May 5, 2010
Anybody else a fan of the late great Gilda Radner? She had a character, Roseanne Rosannadanna, whose catchphrase was "It's always something." And that's how I feel about being ill. If it's not one thing, it's another. If it's not diarrhea, it's constipation. If it's not a hemorrhoid, it's a fissure. If it's not nausea, it's fatigue. If it's not abdominal pain, it's joint pain. Sometimes it's a combination of many, but it's always something. Anybody else feel the same?
Well Cat, you know I don't know how you feel but yes I was a fan!!! So much so that SNL just never cut it for me after that original troupe moved on. It had a few bright spots over the years but nothing compared to those guys...oh you were talking about real health issues....never mind:):).

Sorry Cat, couldn't resist!! How have you been? I haven't talked to you in a while. When's your next test?
Hey Cat,

Yeah I do and I don't have Crohns but I feel that way about Roo a lot of the time. Even with her being in remission there was the latest business with all the neuro stuff and I think OK what the hell is next, just give her a break she's only f***ing eighteen.

:hang: mate.

Thinking about you Cat, :hug:
Hi Mark, I've been less than stellar lately. I actually posted this thread because it's just been one thing after another and I kept thinking that it's always something! First I got a hemorrhoid out of nowhere, and it's a really painful one that isn't in a rush to go away. I've had hemmies before but usually after having bad d, and they would always go away in a day or so. This one started Wednesday morning after I had hardly any d and it's still there. Then, I somehow got constipated, which never happens to me either. I got kind of constipated when I was on pred, but I'm not on pred now so I have no idea why I'm constipated since I usually have d - I haven't changed my diet or meds or anything like that. So after a couple days of constipation, I took a laxative last night and now I've got massive cramping and explosive d. Ugghh. I just took a Lomotil to try to stop the d - with my luck I'll probably get constipated again now and I'm sure the d is just aggravating my hemmie...

My next test is Monday - upper endoscopy. Even if it finds nothing, it'll rule out celiac 100%, so I'll be satisfied with at least being able to cross that one off the list of potentials. And if it does find something, that would be even better, but I'm not expecting anything. Hard to be optimistic when everything else has come back normal, but I'll keep having tests until one of them finds something. How's EJ doing?
God yeah!
I hear ya sister!
don't know that lady tho!
I had everything all in one go, now I don't have anything!
Wot an enigma this disease is!
keep smiling!
Cat - I hear ya and can totally commiserate.

Thankully my sense of humor hasn't failed yet. Crohn's can't take that away!

Hang in there! - Amy
Yes, good grief, yes. One thing after another. Hard to predict what's coming. If flexibility is the key to mental health then boy oh boy are we getting lessons in wellbeing.
My ex boyfriend said to me once, "There's always something wrong with you." He's an ex for obvious reasons.
Kicked 'em to the curb, good girl, Crabby! Instead of "always something wrong," I see it as one concern with lots of changing challenges. For example, that silly numbness that required me to go to Emerg last night (first time in 12 years!). I'm still numb and tingly today, but apparently am going to survive unscathed. ;) Maybe tomorrow it will be pain, maybe it will be throwing up, but it's still one overarching problem. And anyway, we're not defined by a series of disasters or strange symptoms. They're a huge pain (literally), but they're not "us." Keeps us on our little Crohnsie toes, though...
My next test is Monday - upper endoscopy. Even if it finds nothing, it'll rule out celiac 100%, so I'll be satisfied with at least being able to cross that one off the list of potentials. And if it does find something, that would be even better, but I'm not expecting anything. Hard to be optimistic when everything else has come back normal, but I'll keep having tests until one of them finds something. How's EJ doing?

Hi Cat, after talking to you over the last couple of months, it's hard for me to expect anything but normal results for you as well. But the pred worked on something so they have to be able to figure it out!!

Let us know how it goes tomorrow!! Got my fingers crossed for you to find out something. Anything!!!

EJ's still going along very smoothly. I need to update about his tongue sores but I'm afraid I'll jinx it:).
Hey Cat,

Have you read Gilda's book, It's Always Something, that she wrote about her struggles with her illness?? I bought my copy from Amazon and I read it a few months ago.

Truly inspirational. She even experienced bowel obstructions like we do. My heart went out to her every time she was admitted to the hospital. If you don't have a copy, definitely get it. You won't be disappointed at all.

I wish you the best of luck with your testing and hope that you feel better soon.

Take care. ~Gutless Wonder
Mark: Thanks, I'm heading over to the hospital for the endoscopy in a little over an hour. I'm trying not to be nervous because I know that'll make my guts act up. I'll try to post updates later today if I'm feeling up to it.

GW: Yes, I have read Gilda's book, although it's been awhile. We had a class project in high school where we had to read an autobiography of our choice, so I chose Gilda's book. So, that means I read it about 15 years ago. I really do need to read it again!
Hey, Cat,
How'd it go? Did you find out anything? I know you'll have to wait for biopsy results, but did he see anything suspicious?
Hope you're alright.
May, I replied to your PM already but I'll post a shorter version here. I'm back, the endoscopy found nothing. They sedated me much more heavily than they had for my c-sco9pe and I"m still somewhat out of it (sorry for any spelling or grammatical errors or if this just does'nt make any sense, the words are still kind of swimming on the computer screen). So surprise, everything came back normal again. Apparently my GI did come and talk to me after the scope but I was so out of it i dpon't remember that at all. I remember a nurse saying it's all normal but I don't remmeber talking to my GI. But anyway, it's all normal and whenever I get the biopsies back I'll post an update with those result.s The good news is that I don't remember anything of the scope, I know some people on here like Bushy Dougie have had scopes done with no sedation an djust throat spray, so I'm glad I was out and don't remember it, although like I said I'm still kind of goofy now. I had to remind myself to eat and drink as I hadn't had anything to eat or drink at all. I think I'll stop rambling now but the short story is, it came back normal just like every other test I've had. Boo.
dont know that lady but I can tell you I know that feeling, I have that often with madasin, and myself. It makes you feel like you are losing your mind.

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