Just been to hospital...

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Nov 20, 2012
Hey all,

Just been to A and E on the advice of my IBD nurses on friday night..The pain has literally been unbareable today and nothing I have (tramadol and zapain) touches it, Got sent to the on sight hospital GPs who gave me a pain relief injection and said there was nothing more they could do for me, so I have to contact my normal GP tomorrow morning for morphine based pain relief. She also bemoaned the fact the IBD nurses said I should come to A and E as they cant do much as im under surgical care...

So Got the injection, came home..sat down to have a cup of tea and get a phonecall from said GP saying she had spoken to the surgical department and I shouldn't of had that shot because of underlying 'conditions' ? not stating what these are, but if I feel sick or the pain gets worse I need to go straight back in- basically she shouldnt have given me the injection!

I feel like my life is a joke at the moment.
No one will tell me what they are all so concerned about when I ask, They just ignore it. No one will say what these underlying conditions are and why that should affect a pain relief shot???? I was told wednesday by the surgeon that I need to have an examination under a general so they can get some deep tissue biopsies of the lumps they have found in my colon as they are very concerned about whats wrong with me.

I cant live like this
No one will tell you what they are concerned about!? Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!

Thank goodness tomorrow is Monday and you can get in there and give em hell! Don't take no for an answer, or let them ignore you.

I sure hope you get to feeling better and get some answers.
I agree with Misty. You have a right to this information and you should insist that they disclose everything to you. I understand "not wanting to scare you" about something that might not even be, but insinuating that something might be seriously wrong and then not tell you what they are thinking about is simply wrong.

Insist on full disclosure and on any further testing that needs to be done to rule out what needs to be ruled out. Please come back tomorrow and let us know what happened. I hope you start getting answers right away.

well they still haven't told me what they think is going on BUT they have moved my surgery up to next week to do the deep tissue biopsies so I will get a chance to talk to my surgeon then. I have also been put on morphine for the pain which Im hoping will help.
I think I was feeling sorry for myself last night but im trying to stay positive. I will just annoy them till they give me the answers I need xxx
Good grief. Let's hope they can get you some answers next week.

Glad they are giving you something for the pain, at least they are listening even if they aren't talking.