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Well, from what I've learned from my wife I don't blame them for trying to avoid me, and for being a little pissy. Apparently the sedation had left me without a short term memory. I'm told I asked the doctor and the nurses the same set of questions over and over. I was unaware that I had just asked the same question and received an answer less than a minute ago. What I remembered as right after my procedure was apparently about 30 minutes after my wife came back to the recovery room.

The sedation knocked me for a loop this time. Usually it's not too bad. I woke up during both of my colonoscopies, though not in a bad way. I told the nurse that and I may have ended up with a much higher dose this time because waking up in the middle of an endoscopy is an entirely different experience.

Considering my main question I repeated a hundred times was, I'm told, 'So, is it crohn's?' I'm hoping not to get slapped with an obsessive hypochondriac label.

I'm still not sure if they'll admit to the crohn's if it's HP negative or if they're just going to call it 'idiopathic.'

If they go the idiopathic route I have reasonable grounds to ask for a different GI simply because my currently GI doesn't know what's going on and someone else might. Changing my GI attending because I think he's not good enough to handle my case, without an admission from him, is likely to be taken as doctor shopping and have me labeled as being a hypochondriac.

At the moment everything is just riding on those biopsy results. I'll just have to wait and see on Monday.
