Karina, 17 years old.

Crohn's Disease Forum

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Aug 25, 2012
Hello! My name is Karina, and I'm seventeen years old. :sign0144: I'm not formally diagnosed with Crohn's yet, but it seems to be just about the only thing that makes sense.

I have iritis, headaches, fevers, constipation, severe abdominal pain, vomiting... the whole nine yards. That combined with my heart, spine, and eating disorder issues makes for quite the adventure!

So far, after a few hospitalisations and a million tests, we've not found any definitive evidence of Crohn's, and are fast running out of options. I'm on omeprazole for my nausea and acid and taking four doses of miralax a day. :runaway: Plus a large number of supplements!

I have a pillcam test on Wednesday and I'm quite nervous! Did it help clinch a diagnosis and thus treatment for anyone else? My gastro says that this is one of the last tests in his arsenal so I'm not really sure what to do if it doesn't go well.

I've been lurking on the forums a bit and you all seem so nice and helpful, so I decided to join and see what support I could give and receive.

It's nice to meet you all! :ysmile:
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Hi Karina. It sucks you're having a hard time getting diagnosed, and having those severe issues, as well. I would have a look at the undiagnosed forum if you haven't already. I have no advice or answers to your questions. I just wanted to say "welcome", and that I hope you find some answers and relief very soon.
Hey Karina! Welcome to the forum! :ghug:

Sorry you have had a rough bout of health. It does sound like Crohn's given the iritis & GI issues. It took a while for me to get DX myself but when I finally did get DX it was(still is) out of hand. Hopefully the pill cam and help your GI get a good idea about what's going on. Even if you still are un DX after the pill cam keep searching for doctor willing to help you until you feel normal. No one should live with unexplained pain. Eating disorders can trigger so many health issues like you are describing. Even if you have recovered from the ED its self.

Have you had:

1) Colonoscopy/upper endoscopy?
2) Small bowel follow through?
3)Hida scan?
4)Motility test?
5) Had your vitamin/mineral levels checked?

There are so many GI disorders out there. Even if Crohn's is ruled out there is still a big chance you have some sort of disorder. There are other diseases/disorders/syndromes that have nothing to do with the GI system that cause symptoms your describing.

I'm 16 so if you want to talk to someone around your age, PM me! Hang in there!
Hi Karina and welcome to the community :)

What's going on with your heart and spine?

I hope the pill cam figures out what is going on. Yes, many here have been diagnosed thanks in part to it.

Again, welcome!
Hi Karina,
I've never had a pill cam so I can't help you there but I just wanted to say hello and welcome you to the forum.

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