"Kids with Crohn's" video series on Youtube

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One Badass Dude
Aug 3, 2008
Ran across this excellent, excellent 12-part series on Youtube. It was produced by the Children's Hospital of Boston. If you're a parent or young person first stumbling across Crohnsforum with questions, I hope this series can be of benefit.


Module 12: Kids Voices is at times both heartbreaking and inspiring.

The little girl at the end comes up with "You have this disease, but this disease doesn't have YOU." I have to admit that choked me up a bit.
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Thanks for the link!

I watched the first 3 and was confused about some of the treatment options they listed. Granted, they do have the disclosure that every case is different but the comment that infliximab is a "rescue" vs a "maintenance" drug struck me as odd. I thought infliximab was a long-term maintenance drug.

