Large hard lumps on legs?

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Dec 3, 2010
So I have been having lots of problems with my arthritis and now have vasculitis which they now think is caused by humira. I had humira on Monday and today I have got the rash back and now large lumps on both shins and in different places up my legs. They are very painful and feel hard almost like marbles. I have got an appointment on Friday but wanted to know if anyone has had anything similar? Should I be worried about these lumps or wait and see? I have been given methotrexate to start taking but have been told to continue humira for the time being.
I have sores all over my shins and have had them for a while. They became better when I was taking cortisone for my chrons, unfortunately I had bad side effects from the cortisone and had to stop taking it so the sores are back.
Hopefully they can help you, I have very visible marks all over my legs from the sores because they started bleeding etc.
Hope yours gets better!
Hard lumps could be what is called erythema nodosum, which is basically inflammation of the fat cells located under the skin tissue:

Another "extra-intestinal" effect of IBD (and many other immune related diseases. They can and do go away on their own eventually, but of course will resolve faster with whatever CD treatment you might be getting (although I usually get them whether I am on medication or not - and I see this may be the case for you as well... :( ).

Definitely bring them up to your doctor though, to confirm that is what they are.

Hope your appointment goes well.
Hi There,

they do sound like erythema nodosum, I've had them before and they do eventually go away. I had them just before I was diagnosed when I was probably at my sickest, a sign of inflammation in your body i think
Thanks for the replies anyone was worried about it last night and everytime I rolled over it hurt. Today was ok until this evening and now my stomach has not been good have been running back and forth to he bathroom. I really hope this methotrexate works if not I'm going to ask my doctor for steroids, got a holiday booked on the 26th sept really don't want to miss it. Have to see if what the doctors say tomorrow at 830am lovely nice and early.
Thanks again to everyone x
The doctor didn't say alot about the lumps they thought it might be a reaction to the humira and just told me to see how it goes with the methotrexate. This seems to be the thing with doctors wait and see. But I am still getting lumps on my legs and large bruises but I'm hoping once the mtx starts to kick in they will go.
If the bumps haven't gotten better and if they hurt my doctor gives me some antibiotics as a quick fix but I only resort to the antibiotics when the pain is interfering in my life. He also gave me this wonderful general anti-imflammatory that was supposed to help with the pain. I hope the Methotrexate works though and the problem has gone away on its own. :)

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