LDN and supplements

Crohn's Disease Forum

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Apr 13, 2012
Long Island NY
My 16 year old daughter has been on TD LDN since April...a recent scope shows inflammation and signs of active CD..waiting on biopsy results. GI wants a pill-cam study to look more closely at small bowel. I decided to change Liv over to LDN capsules now that she seems to be absorbing nutrients (has gained 6-7 lbs since starting LDN). I wanted to know about taking supplements with LDN capsules? Liv takes a handful at night, along with TD LDN..curcumin, boswellia,
calcium, Vit D3. Does anyone know if any of these supplements effect LDN absorption? I plan on contacting Skip's Pharmacy and prescribing MD later in the week, but just thought I would ask the forum LDN users first! Thanks. Kim