It's well documented that a lot of people with Crohn's who go on LDN have some increase in their symptoms before it starts to kick in and then improve. I was just wondering for those who have experienced this to what degree your symptoms got worse. Was it full scale flare stufff or just a minor excacerbation of symptoms - how bad did it actually get?
Or whether looking back it wasn't a typical flare type of episode - i.e some of your typical flare type symtoms but not others.
Also, how long did it last, a few days , a few weeks?
Just trying to gauge where my wife's at as she's recently started LDN and think she's in the middle of this initial "storm".
Or whether looking back it wasn't a typical flare type of episode - i.e some of your typical flare type symtoms but not others.
Also, how long did it last, a few days , a few weeks?
Just trying to gauge where my wife's at as she's recently started LDN and think she's in the middle of this initial "storm".