Hello! I haven't posted in awhile, but I thought I would update everyone
on my daughter's progress with LDN. Olivia has been on LDN for approx. 7.5
weeks now and so far so good! I am still optimistically cautious at this
point, however labs drawn this week came back great!! Anemia is resolved
and CRP is 0.3, ESR is 6. We are waiting on FC results. Also, she has
gained 7 pounds since starting!! Initially, Liv was having headaches, so
we decreased the dose and than titrated up slowly to 4.5mg of transdermal
LDN. When she started the LDN, she was on 9mg of Entocort, and is
currently down to 3mg and will probably wean completely in the next 2
weeks. Liv is also taking supplements..Vit D, curcumin, boswellia, L-
glutamine, folic acid, probiotics and Vit B-12. She has modified her diet
somewhat...eliminating some dairy, sugar and gluten, although, she is not
100% compliant..we are still working on that! Also, Liv does drink 2 Boost/
Ensure shakes per day...her weight was down when we started LDN.
We have finally found a new pediatric GI who is sort of open to the LDN..
he seems curious about it and is willing to give it a chance, he is probably
going to perform a scope in the next 6 weeks. And, he is open to EN...our
former GI was not willing to implement EN therapy...just wanted to put Liv
back on Humira after completing radiation treatment for thyroid cancer.
So, I will continue to be hopeful..will let you know results of the scope!!
Take Care!! Kim
on my daughter's progress with LDN. Olivia has been on LDN for approx. 7.5
weeks now and so far so good! I am still optimistically cautious at this
point, however labs drawn this week came back great!! Anemia is resolved
and CRP is 0.3, ESR is 6. We are waiting on FC results. Also, she has
gained 7 pounds since starting!! Initially, Liv was having headaches, so
we decreased the dose and than titrated up slowly to 4.5mg of transdermal
LDN. When she started the LDN, she was on 9mg of Entocort, and is
currently down to 3mg and will probably wean completely in the next 2
weeks. Liv is also taking supplements..Vit D, curcumin, boswellia, L-
glutamine, folic acid, probiotics and Vit B-12. She has modified her diet
somewhat...eliminating some dairy, sugar and gluten, although, she is not
100% compliant..we are still working on that! Also, Liv does drink 2 Boost/
Ensure shakes per day...her weight was down when we started LDN.
We have finally found a new pediatric GI who is sort of open to the LDN..
he seems curious about it and is willing to give it a chance, he is probably
going to perform a scope in the next 6 weeks. And, he is open to EN...our
former GI was not willing to implement EN therapy...just wanted to put Liv
back on Humira after completing radiation treatment for thyroid cancer.
So, I will continue to be hopeful..will let you know results of the scope!!
Take Care!! Kim