Lithotripsy immediately after bowel resection surgery?

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Jun 28, 2009
lithotripsy immediately after bowel resection surgery?

This morning I woke up with a dull ache in my left flank. It's gotten worse and worse throughout the day, and I'm strongly considering checking back into the ER. I had a large kidney stone about five or six years ago, and the pain was similar to what I'm experiencing now. I'm not pissing any blood yet, so it could just be an infection. If it is another stone, however, I'm curious as to the feasibility of having a lithotripsy a few weeks after a bowel resection surgery. Is it possible for the the lithotripsy to do damage to the location of the rejoining?
well, im not sure what a lithotripsy is nor have i ever had any experience having kidney stones.
sorry, no help from me!
hopefully someone else will come in here and offer some insight
Lithotripsy is where they bludgeon your kidney with sound waves to break up a large stone. I've had it done before, but not with the other complications at hand.

For now it's a moot point anyway. I just got back from the ER, and the doc is just loading me up on pain pills to see if the inflammation goes away on its own. The labs showed no obvious infection or anything else brewing.

I'd like to take a moment to say OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOwwwwwwwwwwwwwww.
Missed this thread earlier...

Can't honestly see that lithotripsy would impact on the crohns as the gizmo is pointed very specifically at the area concerned.

Outside of that aspect I guess the on going inflammation in the area if left untreated could be transmitted throughout the body and so have an impact on your gut as a result. Does that make sense?

Glad you went and had things checked out and have an option if things dont improve for you.

Keep us posted.
I'm positive now that the docs missed something. I have a kidney infection. With the exception of blood in my urine, I have all of the normal symptoms. I'm getting a very weak stream too. Tomorrow I go to the doc's office. Hopefully we'll get this crap straightened out.
UPDATE: I was wrong. No kidney problems. I have diverticulitis. Yesterday morning I made a phone call around about 8AM to schedule a doc's appt for later in the morning. Shortly after that, my temperature started spiking, I started sweating profusely, and the pain became completely unmanageable. I canceled my doc's appt and went to the ER instead. They ran the same tests on me that they did Sunday morning, but this time they found the problem right off the bat.

So presently they're dumping antibiotics into me and they've got me incredibly doped up on dilaudid, but the fever is still up and down and the pain isn't diminishing that much. I'm crossing my fingers and hoping none of the doctors start using the S word.

Blah. I've had way more fun than this before. Even in a hospital once or twice.
Okay, so that whole hospital trip was a fucking nightmare. The bed I was given had no padding left on the mattress, so the three movable plates underneath the mattress were pressed against various points on my body. Furthermore, the top and middle plates weren't quite aligned with each other, so there was absolutely no position on the bed that did not violently poke directly into my left buttock. I tried putting a pillow under my ass, but the plate was hard enough that it still poked through the pillow. Thus, aside from rare moments of medicine-induced sleep, I was in extreme discomfort in places other than my actual infection, so much so that I was having difficulty differentiating between the two.

Next: my room was not designed for two beds. I have been in a bunch of rooms on the same floor of this hospital, including the one next door. This one was a good 40-50 square feet smaller. That meant there was only about 12" between my bed and the curtain on one side and about 18" between my bed and the wall on the other side. I know from talking to nurses that there are literally floors of empty rooms in this building, so this isn't a constraint of space driving the need to put two patients in a one-patient room.

Next: this hospital's sister hospital across town is supposed to take all psychiatric patients. That apparently didn't include the senile old lady down the hall, who sang and clapped loudly throughout the night every night. She forgot the words to most of the songs about five or six words in, so she'd play out the tune with enthusiastic shouts of "Hey!", "Fuck!", or "Michael Jackson!". According to the nurses, there was nothing they could do to stop her because she didn't have the mental capacity to know she was even doing it in the first place. Well, that means she's at the wrong hospital.

Next: I don't know what drug users see in it, but hallucination isn't fun. Thursday afternoon I started hearing things that weren't there. I would doze off, then wake up to what I thought was the sound of my dad's voice. When I looked up, he would be engrossed in something he was reading or asleep in the chair. By midnight I started to be suspicious that the heavy dosage of dilaudid combined with no food might be the source for my rapidly increasing perceptional complications. When the nurse came around with my 2AM dose, I asked her if she could give me 1mg instead of the full 2, and I explained to her my reasoning (or at least I think I did). She said it was all or nothing. I opted for all. When my 4AM dose was due, I declined. Too late. Every time I shut or even blinked my eyes, I would find myself thrust into a very intense conversation with someone whose logic train I could not follow. This would jar me back awake, usually only a few seconds later. My body was so exhausted, however, that I really couldn't keep myself awake. I started seeing people in the room, only to focus my eyes and find that nobody was there. Around about 6AM I became violently ill and called in the nurse. I told her I felt like I was going to vomit. She nonchalantly advised that I was "certainly welcome to do so", proceded to change my antibiotic bag, then told me she'd be back in a bit--while I was vomiting. I don't know what normal protocol is in that situation, but if a patient isn't a puker, isn't the nurse supposed to stick around to see what happens next?

So now I'm home, possibly earlier than I should be, but I just don't care. I wasn't receiving anything resembling treatment, and if I'm going to be miserable I'd rather be miserable in my own bed.
ugh sounds awful. is there a better hospital you can go to??
how did they come about the diverticulitis dx too?
and whats the "s" word? shit? im confused lol sorry
i hope youre feeling better though, at any rate
S word= surgery.

Crap, my mom has had chronic kidney stones for most of her life, so I know that sensation, even though it's diverticulitis this time. Diverticulitis can be seen with barium xrays, ultrasounds, or a CT scan, usually...or even a scoping can be done. Bad cases cause severe pain and fever, which explains it, but it really sucks if you have both Crohns and diver. because of the double wammy on the GI tract. Take it easy Appleadams.

Can you file a complaint for such an atrocity? You've alluded to being there before, was it always such a sh*t place to be?
My insurance provider restricts me to this hospital. I've had bad experiences there before, though none quite as sufficiently awful from beginning to end as this one.

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