Lookin like Chrohn's...

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Jul 14, 2011
I am waiting for the colonoscopy biopsy reports and bloodwork reports. I go back in 2 weeks to hear all the results and see what meds he wants me on. Unlike many Crohn's patients I do not suffer from diarrhea, but have the gas and abdominal pain pretty intensely. I am nervous about the side affects of the potential drugs, and I am worried about "life style changes"...not exactly sure what that refers to. I eat healthy and fell healthy most of the time. I just hope I can get on something to control the pain, without it upsetting my life! Is that too much to ask? I am probably worried for nothing...:frown:
Welcome SF! Perhaps your problems(have they dxed chrons?) will be mild and very responsive to meds so you won't have such a drastic change of lifestyle! Good luck!
have they diagnosed you yet? if they haven't try not to worry, bowel problems are difficult to diagnose and there are many conditions with similar symptoms. crohn's disease can often get confused with IBS before the diagnosis is made. I know that with IBS gas and pain are major symptoms and the fact that you feel generally well and eating well is perhaps an indicator that you have IBS rather than crohn's?
(obviously unless your crohn's is very mild)
and i'm not sure if every single crohn's sufferer has diarrhea but it would be one of the most common symptoms of crohn's also so maybe the fact you don't have it is a good sign?
i wouldn't worry at this stage until you get your answers, there are many treatments available, some with very little side effects. also, living with the disease, can be hard to get your head around it at first but the way i look at it is everyone at some stage of their life are gonna have some kind of health complaint/ illness, the sufferer just finds a way of dealing with it, there's nothing you can do about it other than not dwell on it, in all honesty its hard not to sit and feel sorry for myself and say 'why me?' at times but the only one that can choose not to feel like that is me and to have the best life possible i just have to be positive.
i hope you get good news! fingers crossed! try not to worry, and welcome to the forum!
Hi sfoster and welcome! It's to be expected to be nervous about your possible diagnosis. But try not to overwhelm yourself with the what-ifs. Being that you experience mild symptoms, hopefully, you'll have a mild case. Think positive!

Please keep us posted on those results!
It took a while, but my husband helped me figure out this website, I didn't know anyone had answered me! Thanks for the positive outlooks, I needed that.I go back to the doc on Thursday the 28th. Hopefully it is a mild case, but the mention of multiple fistulae can't be good, (I looked that up). I will try to be positive no matter what:)
I called the doc yesterday because I have been having low grade fevers every few days. They moved me up to today at 2:15. The first drug the nurse said on the phone that the doc wan is prednisone. Talk about makin me nervous! Shouldn't that be a last resort. I am going to talk to him about antibiotics and other options other than pred. Not that I'm a doctoor, but I've been doing alot of reading lateley... The nurse said it is officially CD too BTW.
Prednisone is often used in the beginning for quick results. It works fast and is usually given in conjunction with a longer-term maintenance drug. Sorry you got the dx, but at least now you can get on the right meds for it!
Hi sfoster and welcome :)

sorry you got diagnosed, but at least now you can begin treatment and hopefully feel better and get on with your life :)

chrissteph is right, doctors often use Prednisone first as a sort of "jump start" to kick your body into remission; or at least try. They will also prescribe long term maintenance meds as well.

Good luck today and I hope your GI can answer your questions and put you at ease.
Thanks for the encouragement, I have been prescribed 4 wks of prednisone, tapering off, and I will be on Humira in a week or so. Although I am anxious about how I will respond to pred, things really could be much worse. It's a 40 mg dose for 2 wks, then tapers for 15 days. At least now I know I will be treated and getting better I hope! Thanks again for the support...I was having alot of bad dreams last night about what the drs visist was going to be like!! It wasn't as horrible as I thought.
good luck with the pred I know most people dread it but it really can get you feeling better very quickly. I was on it last yr and I too started at 40 mg then tapered and all in all it wasn't too bad, I walked and exercised every day to prevent water retention and drank loads of water but I was lucky not to suffer any adverse side effects so fingers crossed you'll respond well to it to.
I am going in today or tomorrow for my starter Humira kit. I hope I tolerate it well. I am nervous but I know everything is in God's hands.
Good luck hun. Wishing you all the very best for a fab outcome...


Dusty. :heart:
Well as usual it wasnt as bad as I thought it would be. Man, nurses are sure a gift from heaven arent they? She really put me at ease as we did the shots. I am confident I will be able to do the next dose at home. So what if any side effects has anyone had to Humira?
I'm in the same boat! Horrible gas pains, not really any diarrhea etc. I'm really scared, I was just called today and told I had it.
Sorry to hear that. Once you are diagnosed the doctors can start to help you. I dont have diarrhea either, I have gas pains bad sometimes and had a hard painful lump in my lower right abdomen. Thats why I originally went to my general doctor. Then through various tests they found the crohn's. Now I am hopefully on my way into remission! Good luck, I hope it all goes well.
HI Sfoster, welcome to the forum, i know the dx is bad, but you can live a normal life. and hopefully go in remission. i have had crohn's for 21 years now and it flared up a month ago and i am on preds. and other medication for my inflammation. the pain is in the right hand side of my abdomen too. i hope you find the right combination of drugs to put yourself in remmission soon . Good luck with the drug. and you came to right place other are going through the same things your are and the family of people here a great family unit and a great world of knowledge. So if you have any questions feel free to ask them and the forum will respond. best wishes.

Sorry to hear that. Once you are diagnosed the doctors can start to help you. I dont have diarrhea either, I have gas pains bad sometimes and had a hard painful lump in my lower right abdomen. Thats why I originally went to my general doctor. Then through various tests they found the crohn's. Now I am hopefully on my way into remission! Good luck, I hope it all goes well.

Thank you. When I ended up in the hospital it was horrible pain on my right side and then in my lower abdomen as well. They thought for certain it was my gallbladder and when they found nothing there told me I had "a bug." I was sent home and told to be on a liquid diet for 3 days and everything would be okay. :rof: Needless to say, 2 months later and here I am lol.
With me they sent me to my OB/GYN to see if I had a cyst on my right ovary first, then eventually I had the cat scan that looked pretty nasty I was told. Let me know what they end up putting you on ok? We are truly all in this together! It's sure good to come to a place where ya'll understand!