Looking for some MMJ Help

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Mar 2, 2014
The things I have read here have been amazing. I am anticipating Florida being the next MMJ state in the Union **fingers crossed**.

I would like to start treatment for my issues. I am currently in a flare up, the worst one in two years. Here is a little more of my backstory for anyone interested.
My wife and I plan to treat by sending me to CO, I have friends that live in Denver and will help out during this time (plane ride, **shiver**). I want to try and knock this flare out and get into a maintenance plan to prevent further flares. Money can be an issue if I'm paying the recreational price but we want to try a short term "experiment" before moving into a long term plan. We have ideas for living in a non MMJ state currently but our hopes are high (umm, no pun intended).

I guess my questions revolve around how much MMJ should I plan on going through?
What type of dosage rate should I expect?
What would be the most effective but "cheap" rout? Vaporizing or edibles? Cost is an issue until I can obtain the cheaper medical source.

Any more suggestions to someone that will be a first time consumer of cannabis?

From the looks of it, MMJ seems to be far superior to the other drugs I have been on with much better side effects, for the first time I'm actually excited about a new treatment possibility.

Thank you everyone!
I only ever really went through 1/2 gram a day max. While any pot will help I would try for a something that is further on the indica side of it. You'll eventually get less and less high, which will allow to up your dose and/or be more functional after dosing.

Aside from the initial cost of the vaporiser, that tends to be the cheaper route, you'll use less marijuana per session. Edibles in my opinion are the best method, however they can be more expensive, I felt they lasted longer and were more effective as the compounds were being absorbed through the GI wall producing a mild topical effect.
I would say edibles is good but since you are making the trip out to Colorado I would suggest looking for Rick Simpson oil or a lab tested high CBD tincture or oil to ingest orally. Smoking only really works if you smoke a lot of a high or significant amount of a CBD prevalent strain. I would suggest attempting to get as much Rick Simpson oil as possible which would be cheaper than vaporizing it because you can literally eat it from the dropper also the people in the dispensaries out there can point you in the right direction in terms of which strain they have that are high in CBD or beta-carophyll which is a terpene (another umbrella name of one of the 500 compounds found in cannabis) which has anti-inflammatory effects in the colon. http://synergycbd.com/cbd/ this website has all the highest CBD strains available in California but like I said since your going to Colorado you will most likely be able to find oil concentrates of at least one of them. The results I have had from using the Oil have been in my doctors exact words "profound" though he doesn't condone my total non-use of pharmas he says if it works use it.
I hope this has been helpful to you and good luck on going the holistic route hope it works as well for you as it has for me and others on here.
Thank you so much for the replies. We are still working out the specifics and so forth. On another note, my Humira prescription just came up for renewal but the Dr. wants to switch to Remicade because of my increased issues while still being on Humira. Plus, my last flare was more like Colitis and he says that Remicade works better for Colitis. I hate all these drugs, drives me crazy... I have always been very resistant to using pharmaceuticals and have only done so out of desperation.